
Is Doggism a Social Disease?

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You know, I've recently been accused of being prejudiced because I don't want Pit Bulls (and other big dogs) in my neighborhood. My fear of them killing one of the kids in the neighborhood is pretty ignorant according to some folks.....

I also know people who don't like poodles, and other smaller dogs because they're "yappers." I think smaller dogs are viewed upon as being "less manly" to some people.

Anyway, are you a doggist? As a society, what can we do to combat doggism?




  1. I have certain breeds I like and certain breeds that don't appeal to me. Both in the "like" and "not appealing" categories are breeds of all sizes.

    However, I'm not going to have my personal preferences infringe on the rights of others. Just as I expect them to not have their personal preferences infringe on my rights.

    I think the fear that a large dog is going to kill the kids in the neighborhood is an unfounded fear. Statistically, smaller dogs are more likely to bite. (Probably having a lot to do with people that own smaller dogs often don't train and socialize them because they think "it's a small dog, I can control it without training. Whereas if you have a large or giant breed dog, you need to train it, else it would drag you down the sidewalk.)

    Out of dogs I've personally had, the absolute best tempered dog I ever owned was a german shepherd. (The worst tempered was a mini dachshund.)


  2. what kind of neighborhood do you live in?

    seriously. its YOUR decision on what dog you get, not your fellow peers. if you feel that a bigger dog can become a threat, dont get one!

    and its not true that ALL small dogs and poodles are yappers. i once visited my aunts house and she has 2 poodles, and theyre both very calm and always resting or sleeping. never barking! very friendly too!

    im sorry but i personally do not believe in "doggism.." its just peoples different opinions, really

  3. No, i like any dog, big or small. Yes, some dogs can be more aggressive then others, depending on the breed, but if you get that breed, you have to be prepared to properly train it and socialize it. I think when someone targets small dogs as yappers, and big dogs and murderers, they are being ignorant, and don't know what they are talking about. It's all how the dog is brought up and trained, if you do it correctly, you won't have a problem.

  4. No - I'm an Anti-Doggist.  I think people that think a certain way just because it's a certain breed are shallow.

    I like all dogs, small, medium, large and extra-large.

    I think anyone afraid of "Bully Breeds" reads too much BSL Propaganda needs to get out and meet each and every one of these breeds so they can accurately make and speak based on their own judgment, not a judgment based on what they've read.

  5. So go move out to the Ozark Mountains and get your own shack.  No neighbors.  There.... problem solved.

  6. As long as an opinion about a particular kind or breed of dog is based on an informed perspective, rather than ignorance, no one can be faulted for favoring one dog over another.  If you open your mind a little, you'll learn that Pit Bulls and other large dogs are not inherently dangerous; just as not all small dogs are yappy.  We're all entitled to our own taste, but it is our responsibility to educate ourselves before judging.

  7. I don't know whether you mean that a doggist is against certain dogs or is the sympathetic one for all dogs so if you could be more specific, I'd give you an answer.  I just got online today so maybe I missed something that's going on here.  If so, I apologize.

  8. Personally I have many breeds I love and others I'm not so fond of. Some breeds just suit my lifestyle better than others. I dont impart my opinions on others as the breeds I'm not a fan of may suit them perfectly.

    I also take great offence at people who try to pass BSL's. What pet I choose is up to me. Around 3-5 people in the United States are killed by bully breeds in a year. Hundreds of thousands are killed by guns, smoking and car accidents. I think all the energy that people put into instating BSL's could be better redirected.

    There are several states where pitbulls are the number one registered therapy dog. You should ask any of the parents of the young cancer patients who the dogs comfort between appointments, tests and surgery if they trust a pitbull with their children. These dogs where bred to fight bulls and in lieu of that sometimes other dogs. They where never meant to bite people. And I certainly dont believe all big dogs should be penalized, my 28" tall 85 pound collie was the best therapy dog you could ask for.

    As for little dogs they are sometimes harder to train and their owners dont always take the time. It comes down to the owners. If everyone who purchased and registered a dog by law had to train and socialize their dog we would never have to worry about these conversations.

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