
Is Dr. Pepper commonly found at restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no usually just in Texas

  2. No actually....which is strange because other drinks are and Dr Pepper is lovely!

  3. Some restuarants have it and some do not.

  4. Unfortunately it's becoming less and less available in resturants and fast food places.  They need to bring it back !

  5. they have them at some fast food restaurants like mcdonalds.

  6. Most places you go to eat either carry Pepsi or Coke products and since Dr. Pepper is neither so Dr. Pepper isn't normally carried.

  7. no, not normally

  8. It depends on where you live.  Calif.No Texas Yes

  9. yes because if you go any where then you ask for sodas the would have that on the menu or if you ask they`re have it

  10. Not common..

  11. Yes, he sits at the back, usually with a differant girl every day.

  12. Not normally darling.

  13. no it is nt...m from a differnt country... there they didnt have dr. pepper

  14. at wendys and burger king

    not mcdonalds

  15. Haven't seen it.

  16. I think they have it at Taco Bell.  Good Luck.

  17. Not really... I don't know why though, I personally love Dr. Pepper.

  18. in orlando its eithr Dr.Pepper or Mr.Pibb

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