
Is Dr. Sara Tancredi dead in Prison Break??? ?

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I just watched the last episode of Prison B. and really wonder if Dr. Tancredi dead or not???




  1. Yes, she is.

  2. No, don't worry, she's alive!  She's returning for all of Season 4, and during it will be the explanation as to how she survived.

    If you just go on youtube, or any site like, you will see all the proof you need to know that she's back.

    She is also in about half the Season 4 promos, which is very exciting!

  3. No she's not dead in season 4 it turns out that she's still alive =]

  4. Yeah she is. In season 3 she gets decapitated by the group that want Michael to break Whistler out of the jail.

    She only got killed off in my opinion because the actress didn't extend her contract

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