
Is Drinking lots of milk bad for you?

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i am 20y/o

in the night when i get the munchies i eat a whole load of mix and ceral. but more milk, i have a bowl of cerial, then a cup of hot milk, then probly couple more glasses before i go to bed.

i know getttin the munchies is bad but is drinking all the milk bad for me?




  1. yes.

  2. Milk has lactose, a type of sugar, and also saturated milk fat. So both of these might not be good in large amounts.

    The sugar and refined carbs are probably making you hungry. Would be better to eat a protein meal in the evening.

  3. You can give yourself lactose intolerance if you over do it. Your body only makes a certain amount of the enzymes required to break lactose down. If you run out, you'll get a belly ache. Best to have a bit more dinner, I think.

  4. If you drink gallons of the stuff it can cause a calcium build up, but you have to drink loads more than what your drinking, also your stomach can reject all the lactic acid. But I'm sure the amount your drinking is fine.

  5. Milk is healthy and is a good source of calcium so I don't think it's bad if you drank a lot.  

  6. Well, I'm 15 years and i also drink ALOT of milk but nothing happened to me :-)

    I could have 3 cups of milk in the morning and one in the afternoon and before i sleep i take 2 cups of hot milk and if i ate fruits i could drink a cup after it.

    Mom told me to stop all that milk or i'll have a calcium something, i dont remember its name but she meant that i'll have alot of calcium in my body and this isnt good, as she said not me :-D

  7. Milk is the most complete source of nutrients that is available, as it is the only source of nutrition for calves.  It is not bad for you, but the increase in intake of nutrients and kilojoules (calories) should be thought about and considered with regards to what else you are eating.  You may just want to check out how many calories you are having each day, as well as your intake in nutrients from the milk.

    All in all, alone, it is not bad, but you have to look at it in regards to what you are eating throughout the entire day.

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