
Is Dyslexia a myth or real condition?

by Guest33755  |  earlier

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  1. i think it is a real condition that can be treated!

  2. real

    dys·lex·i·a      /dɪsˈlɛksiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-lek-see-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun Pathology. any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information.

  3. yes it is definitly real. its sometimes unknown, and comes in different forms and ranks.

  4. I believe it is a real condition. One of my mates has had an awful time in school, yet he is very clever. He can say what he means but cannot put it down on paper. Some folk think he is thick, but I know, he is probably smarter than me, but just cannae set his stuff doon on paper!!

  5. It is real

  6. i dont think its a real condition because you could say being bad at writing is or being bad at sports is.....

  7. It is a real condition. There are also several forms. Some people have literary dyslexia, so when they read the words dont quite form the way they should when its processed by their brain. Auditory dyslexia, so things are altered when they hear them. There is also a dyslexia that simple involves numbers, which makes math quite the struggle. It is a real condition affecting tons of people across the world.

  8. it's just as real as blindness or deafness or an allergy....

  9. dyslexia is a real condition although it isn't always as bad as some people think

    i have mild dyslexia basically when i read something sometimes i will see it differently like with letters missing and when i am writing i will miss out letters a lot and not notice at all

  10. tsi a mthy

  11. Dyslexia is a learning disorder, many young children are affected by just means that they're slower than the rest of the kids in the class. they don't comprehend things as easily as other children.

  12. its real all right

  13. myth

    Its no more real than cyclops and dragons

    wait a minute... OH **** CYCLOPS AGHHHHH

    my bad nevermind its just a tree... or is it?

  14. it is a real condition ...

  15. it's a real condition. my dad and 1 of my brothers suffer from it.

  16. Its a real condition. A fella suffered from it when i was in school.

  17. It's as real as the sun is hot.

  18. It is a very real condition.

    It has nothing to do with intelligence, I have seen people with a higher than normal intelligence and the best disposition in the world with dyslexia.

  19. Hello,

    (ANS) NOP!! Dyslexia IS 100% a real condition. I should know because I used to be far far more dyslexic than I am now a days.

    **I had really serious problems when I was learning as a school kid but I'm talking about the early 1960's and 1970's when dyslexia was only just starting to be recognised as a real condition. Now a days I don't really have any problems with maths, reading or writing but it has taken a long time to reach this point.


  20. Dyslexia is a real condition, where people see letters upside down, back to front, or rotated at odd angles which make them difficult to read.

    Sadly, many children who are dyslexic are now said to have 'dyslexic tendencies,' as labelling them as dyslexic would have cost implications which local education authorities either cannot afford or do not want to pay.

  21. Dyslexia is very I real. I should know, I am a dyslexic trying to make it thru school. It's hard. It affects everything. My reading, writting, math skills ect. This site is a really awsome for information, and it si all true and accurate. Give it a look:

  22. subjest???????????????? are you dyslexic?

  23. well at least we know dumbness is real and not a myth

  24. This is a real condition that affects the person's ability to read, learn, and later may affect their employment opportunities.   It has taken a long time for educrats to recognize the impact of this disability that is NOT related to intellectual ability or hard work.  Even geniuses can have dyslexia.

    The brains of people with dyslexia sees words in jumbles, prohibiting them from distinquishing correctly the written word.     Go to and you will find all the information about this learning disbility you will need.

  25. of course its not a myth. it can be quite a serious condition because it can greatly limit people's reading and writing. i work with children and have seen them in great distress due to it.

  26. Not only did my husband see backwards, but upside down too!

  27. It's real.

  28. its very very real

  29. all 3 of my sisters are dyslexic

    when they write things they look at what theyve written they can read it how they put it.....

    but when you read it the words are all jumbled up and the letters dont even go in order.

    its not coz there dumb there really clever but they just cant read books very fast or they look at a word and think WHAT THE FECK is that.

    as i said there not dumb its just the way there brain is telling tyhem to do it i suppose.

  30. its a real condition.

    did you know that orlando bloom and keira knightly have dyslexia?

    (the main characters of pirates of the carribean)

  31. This condition is very real, my son has suffered with this for many years, along with this condition came Mirror Vision, also he is ambidextrous, do to these conditions, he has very little self esteem, and no self confidence but what a great guy he is. He has compassion, empathy, ethics and great morals.

    And to you Mr. Capodastaro's, you are very cruel and uninformed, or as you so coldly stated..............Dumb.

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