
Is ESP real? Or is it just an act?

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I'm doing a survey for my research project about ESP (extrasensory perception). I would like to know what you guys think.




  1. I think it is most definitely for real. I can sense and knows things above and beyond the normal range of senses and I have some friends far more gifted than me.

  2. I personally don't think it is real, since I don't think the evidence quite adds up yet to justify a belief in an ability which would effectively turn the world of physics topsy-turvy. But I don't necessarily think it is an act, either -- some people really do believe that they are sending or receiving messages via psychic means, even if they aren't at all.

    It would be interesting to compare the results you get with the survey results below (see the link). Also, you might want to mention in your research project potential sources of bias in your results. For example, asking your question in the Parapsychology section would probably bias your results for positive answers since it may be argued that there probably is a greater percentage of believers in ESP here than in the population in general. On the other hand, you might get more of a skeptical response because of the skeptics that participate here regularly. It's hard to say, but it should be considered as a source of uncertainty in your findings.

  3. it's all because of SATAN

  4. yes it is real

  5. Our brains emit brainwaves

    ( )

    I think it is possible for another person to "pick up" the emotional state of another person from long distances...Far from forcing someone to your will by brain control but...there have been studies in china where some people were able to bring another person to o****m (s*x is our Strongest Emotional Drive) in different rooms, they were basically emitting the feelings of sexuality and the person in the other room could pick up on it emotionally and feel what that person was feeling...they tested other emotional states but s*x was definitely the strongest reaction...I believe we will evolve to use more ESP in the future.

  6. Fake.

    Look up "The Amazing Randi"

    I really mean you should look into Randi on anything from psychics to faithhealers.

    It really is an education in religious frauds.

    Randi was a trained magician who decided to expose the trickery.

    Oddly enough even after Randi exposed a fraud many people would chose to believe the demonstrated fraud.

    There is a term for this called the "true Believer Syndrome".

    Anyway. have fun.

  7. There is scientific evidence that supports it's existence.

    Rosenthal, after considering the possible influence of various flaws upon study outcome, concluded that the overall hit rate of the studies could be estimated to be 33 percent, whereas chance expectancy was 25 percent.

    (links below)

    Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.

    (link below)


  8. No,I don't think it's real.Most of the time it is an act.Sometimes as a con or money maker.Many people have deluded themselves.They really believe they're super powered.They're actually anxious to tell us all about their"gifts".Show us,oh no, no,no,that can't be done.Conveniently,it doesn't work that way.

  9. I know its real.I have commnicated with my alien friends for 15 years.When i first started to commnicate with them using telepathy i got them to do a mind test for me.The test was to see if they were indeed real and not my imagination working overtime.I had 500 cds in my collection.A lot of them i had brough but never heard before.I asked my alien friends to find a song that relates to them within my collection of 500 cd .They did just that.They told me the cd,chairlie daniels,renugade and go to the third song on the cd.That song was called little folks.I could not beleive it.I had never heard that song before and the last words to the song were,and soon they fly away.That all the proof i needed.I still commnicate with them today

  10. I have yet to encounter any conclusive or convincing evidence to suggest ESP is "real".  In addition, there is not reasonable explanation for how ESP would work.

    Contrary to popular opinion our brains do not transmit data.

  11. I would focus less on people's personal opinions and look at the research that's been done.  And so far, all the facts point to - no, it's not possible.  It's a magic trick.  Emphasis on the 'trick'.

  12. Yes and yes. I think there are many fakes, con artists, cold readers and entertainment people claiming to have "powers" and "abilities". The best evidence I've seen (including personal experience) shows psychic phenomena to be either very rare or slightly (but clearly) above chance expectations. A good place to start sorting acts from reality is to see if there is any money involved. If someone is trying to make money by claiming to have psychic abilities, I would be extra skeptical. After that, use your own judgment to decide if what you are looking at is real.

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