
Is Earth going to destroy on 21 Dec 2012 ?

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1. By an asteroid?

2.BY global warming ?

3. Or By aliens?




  1. maybe but prolly not. anything can happen it can be destroyed by tommarow

  2. None of the above.

    This is a myth based on the irresponsible, (and repeated) airing of a ridiculous pseudo-documentary on the History Channel. That network, and the Discovery Channel and Fox, will air anything they feel will get a bigger audience. Sometimes, their shows are good and worth watching. Other times, they are foolish, sensationalist, tabloid-style hype. It is often difficult to tell which is which, unless you know about a subject. I know about the history of doomsday predictions, pseudoscience, and astronomy.

    The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. They did keep an accurate calendar, but contrary to popular opinion, never predicted any world event accurately. They couldn't predict their own demise; why should they be able to predict ours?

    The alignment with the galactic center is not going to happen. It comes fairly close to happening EVERY year on Dec 21, and will be exactly the same as it always is, in 2012. Even if some perfect alignment did occur, there is nothing about it that could affect the earth. It's like saying, "When these three parking spaces are occupied by three red cars, the world will come to an end."

    Doomsday prophets have always been around and they are always wrong. Every 5 to 10 years, some prediction catches the public's attention and scares a lot of kids...usually thanks to irresponsible media decisions. Dozens of different doomsday scenarios have been piggy-backed on to this date since the show aired. Go to this site to see how many predicted apocalypses we have already missed.

    All that Nibiru stuff is bunk, too. No such planet has ever been discovered. The claim that it was discovered some 25 years ago is not true.

  3. 1.  No.

    2.  No.

    3.  No.

    Next question.

  4. My answer is the same as the first person's.

  5. yeah, the same way life was to crash  around us on Y2K

  6. Secrets of the calendar revealed.  Read at your own risk.

  7. No of those! I believe since the Mayans or whatever predicted that the world would end on that day and I think that happens to be the day all the planets align with the sun...and apparently that might cause disastrous effects with the polar gravitation. I heard it on this science show...but you could read it up on the web, too.

  8. There are some prophets that have foretold the world ending on that date, but as others have said in their answers, its pretty much nonsense. The earth will align with the galactic equator that day, which scientist believe may have an impact on Earth's magnetic poles. The effect of this impact, however, is unknown. There is also a black hole at the galactic equator; but once again, scientist are not sure what effect this will have on Earth if there is an effect at all.

  9. 1. do you see one coming?  i dont

    2. nice day today in the 80s... a little below average for summer here.

    3. aliens only exist in Hollywood and in the minds of the foolish.

  10. No one really knows how the Earth will end. Asteroid. You would see it or astronomers would. Global warming. Maybe some forms of life but not the Earth. Aliens. probably not, why would they, we are doing a fine job by ourselves!

  11. That isn't even wrong. That is all lies and fraud to get people buying faked up books, videos, watching nonsense shows on TV and directing traffic to fraudulent websites.

    Pole shifts - no, not a chance.

    Magnetic poles flip - no, they will just keep moving as usual.

    Mayan calendar - one of their calendars ends in 2012. There is no prediction attached to this and even if there was, it would be astrology and that has been disproved so many times that it's not worth any more words.

    Solar maximum - expected in 2011, not 2012 and it happens every 11 years anyway.

    Planetary alignments - completely false and about as far from an "alignment" as you can imagine.  Planets will be all over the place.  The next "alignment" of the major planets is expected sometime after the Sun burns out.  Even if it did happen the question would arise "So what?"  Where is the physical connection between Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc?  

    Gravity?  Like to calculate how strong the gravitational effects of  Mars, Jupiter and Saturn is on Earth?  Multiply the masses of the planets together, divide by the square of the distance between them and then multiply by the gravitational constant, which is a rather small number.  Now add them all together and you still don't have a hill of beans.  

    Newton knew how more than 200 years ago, but our planetary alignment freaks never care to because the result would make them look as silly as they are.  

    Venus will transit the Sun in June 2012, just as it did in 2004 and on a regular roughly 110 year cycle before that.  No noticeable effect then except on astronomers, some of whom will take measurements, no expected effect this next time.

    Planet X / Niburu / black hole / brown dwarf / wandering planet - No.  It was predicted for 2003 by a loony woman who claimed telepathic contact with aliens.  No sign of it then and still no sign of it.  If this big nasty exists it must be quite close by now and visible with a fairly ordinary astronomical telescope.  Where is it?  Don't say it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere, there are many large astronomical telescopes in the southern hemisphere.  Radio telescopes too.  

    25,800 year cycles.  This is called "precession of the equinoxes" and was discovered a bit more than 2100 years ago. It has been happening since the Earth formed billions of years ago and will not stop, start or change direction in 2012.    There is no particular significance in the direction the poles of rotation happen to be pointing at present or in 2012.  

    The Bible codes are superstitious drivel and were disproved within months of the first book coming out, similar coded messages can be found in any random book or even newspapers using the same "anything goes" methods faked up by the author of the original book.  

    Revelation - nobody ever made sense of those febrile maunderings, the evidence for that is that there are so many different interpretations.

    Nostradamus - he never predicted anything accurately and he may not have intended to.  Many editions of his quatrains contain faked verses inserted long after he died.

    Galactic central plane - we are near it, so astronomers say, but we have always been near it, though nobody actually knows exactly where it is.  .  No exact "alignment" is possible because of the angle of the ecliptic to that of the galactic central plane.  A rough alignment of Sun, Earth and the galactic centre happens twice every year and nothing happens.  Even if there was an exact “alignment”, the question would be "So what?"

    Photon belt - this one is almost the silliest of the lot.  Supposed to be around the "7 Sisters". Our solar system is heading away from them, not towards them.  It does not exist anyway.

    This is all fake scholarship, pseudo-science, lies, superstition and abject delusion.

  12. watch independents day movie. thats what will happen except there wont be 2 heroes saving the earth at the end

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