
Is Edge's streak over tonight?

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If anyone knows, Edge never lost at SummerSlam, in fact, he is 7-0 at SummerSlam. Not once has he had been pinned or forced to submit. Since Undertaker has just returned, do you think that Edge's streak is over tonight, or will it bump up to 8-0. Or could the deadman make it a clean sweep and ruin both of Edge's streaks,'Mania & SummerSlam? I hope Edge retains the streak




  1. Edge's streak will burn in h**l with him after the HIAC match.

  2. No man your wrong Tonight his streak is over

  3. Last time I checked, wasn't Edge 5-2 at Wrestlemaina because he lost the MITB ladder match at WM23 and then lost the title to the Undertaker at WM24?

    I know he's undefeated at Summer Slam, and I hope he keeps his streak because he deserves it, after losing his WM streak 2 years ago

  4. edge will go to h**l


  6. i dont think so coz undertaker rulzzz :X

  7. summerslam streaks usually don't last. taker has a great ss streak. so do hbk, bret hart and a few others.

    but i had no idea edge was 7-0...good stat my friend

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