
Is Egypt a nice place to visit what is there to do there?

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Finding something to do for my sisters birthday I need help!!!




  1. If you dont want to stay in Cairo, yes egypt is a nice place. However, if you plan to go to Cairo just to see the pyramids and the museum I strongly advise not to do it. Cairo is a teribly polluted city, the worst I have ever been to (and i am pretty well traveled: having lived all my life abroad in brazil, africa and yemen)....

    At first glance the local people are extremely kind and friendly, but then slowly one begins to notice how almost every person you meet somehow tries to rip you off, they are used to a lot of tourists, thus knowing that some people have a lot of money. When i was there for 2 weeks (way too long) I opted to go around the pyramids on a camel, every 100 meters someone comes and offers you a "free" gift (or drink) of some sort (then after you have accepted it, they will ask you for a ridiculous amount of money. One also has to me very carefully about ones personal belongings, because if you drop you passport anywhere you will never see it again, and that will cause an huge amount of trouble (obviously, as you will not be able to leave the country)....

    I mean seeing the pyramids is nice an all, but i found the experience has been vastly overrated.

    But then one does not have to stay in Cairo, other; less touristic areas are quite nice. Among friends sharm al shiek was very popular, offering a great choice of activities  (diving, horse riding, quad biking, and of course a wild nightlife)....if that is you thing, then this is certainly the right place...

    hope this was a bit helpful.. :)


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