
Is Engineering Worth it?

by  |  earlier

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I looked at the average wage of starting out engineers, and of course it's a lot of money but I was expecting double that.

Say an average income is 60,000 starting out, is there a possibility to rise to over 100,000 dollars in just a few years?




  1. Really, it's about what you are worth to your employers, not what they are worth to you!

  2. With just a bachelor's degree, it is possible to make $100K in engineering, but not usually in "a few years".  Unless you really like engineering, I would suggest you find a different career path, because you probably won't be successful (and get the kind of money you want) unless you care more about the engineering than the money.

  3. Don't look at numbers alone Dear.

    When I worked for this buck, it would buy dinner.

    Now it won't buy a candy bar.

  4. wow seems like ure doing this for the money, look that's how i started out in the first place and i dropped out of college after 2 years on engineering because i didnt like it at all. First of all, engineering isn't a breeze as most of you think. Unless you are sure this is really what you want to do, unless you have a strong background in maths and physics, and computing. I assure you, you will not enjoy engineering. I'm not planning on transferring out to a community college and the transferring again to a 4 year uni to major in something I really enjoy.

    About the salary I really dont know, but yea ure right about the starting salary I heard you get paid quite a bit. But to answer your question, is it really worth it? for me no, but for you maybe, depends what you take out of the engineering program, if you truly enjoy it then that kinda salary will come to you fluidly. Remember do what you love most and that money will come.

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