
Is England is a state or city?

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Is England is a state or city?




  1. neither england is a country.  london is a city.  and united kingdom is a...i dont know what that is considered

  2. England is a country.

    London is a city.

  3. Stay in school.

  4. England is a constituent country of the United Kingdom along with Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

  5. engalnd is country

  6. There are no American type of area 'states' in the UK.

    It may help if you try to imagine England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland as states -  but they are not called states

    England is 'called' a COUNTRY.

    Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are also COUNTRIES.

    These countries have local governments but overall, they are governed centrally by the British Government.

    Together they make up the UNITED KINGDOM - A big country of four, 'United' smaller Countries under one Government (in history under one ''king'').

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