
Is Expensive Energy A Threat To National Security?

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Is Expensive Energy A Threat To National Security?




  1. A shortage of domestic reserves of oil with which to fuel our armed forces is a threat to national security.

    This is why we should not be in a hurry to deplete our domestic reserves for the sake of frivolous consumption in the short term.

    The oil companies, who can't wait to have us consume every drop of domestic oil they can drill out and sell to us, are merely greedy to make themselves as rich as possible before the oil runs out.  

    The strategic interest of the nation means nothing to them.

  2. oil prices are not this high because of the inability to get to it there is plenty of oil and more than enough is being gotten to reason why the prices are so high is because of future predictions on how much oil will be needed and will be left available to get to this is causing a bubble in the oil market and it will bust  how that will effect the economy im not sure but oil prices are crazy right now and i think its crazy to sell at such a high price because of future predictions thats just crazy

  3. No dependence on foreign oil is a threat to National Security. by allowing the OPEC to control pricing and output, and by our collective dependence on oil/gas for heat, transportation, we are allowing a foreign CARTEL to control our energy costs. And imagine this scenario, if we are foolish enough to let Bush & Co. bomb Iran....and they retaliate by sinking an oil carrier in the sea of Harmouth....oil prices will skyrocket and our economy will collapse.....

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