
Is Extreme Pain In Your Back A Sign

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For the past 2 days my middle and lower back has hurt so bad! I feel like someone hit me with a sludge hammer! I've been putting hot packs on on back and its not helping. I'm only 22 with no previous back injuries. Plus I've also had minor cramping almost like period cramps. I've never felt like this before. Af is due this coming Saturday. I normally get cramps and back pain when AF starts, but nothing to this extreme. So my question this a sign of early pregnancy or do you think its PMS?




  1. Nah i highly doubt its pregnancy u would be having other pains like in ur vaginal are and legs.. u probablytwisted something or sleep wrong u should ask a confidential doctor

  2. Yes it is, I was feeling the same...horrible lower back pain and some cramping like my period was coming and just found out that I am pregnant.  Looks good, Good Luck

  3. Gosh, it could be either.

    PMS and pregnancy symptoms are so closely related because it's all hormonal that it's impossible to say without you getting a pregnancy test.

    Whatever the result you are hoping for, I hope you get it!

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