
Is F1 Formula One now stand for Fetish International. ....?

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Or is what you do behind closed doors with other condescending adults acceptable. .... thoughts please




  1. I like the "condescending" adults!

    I picture them standing around sneering while you do your kinky "thing".

  2. Fetish International Adulterers.

    I don't like adulterers. their pleasure is anothers pain.

    IMO what you do behind closed doors is your choice, but should it be made public and cause a scandal then consequences should be taken. I didn't see any Naziness in the video so I hope he wins his case against the NotW, but I also hope his Mrs takes him to the cleaners

  3. Hi RobboOne,

    I suppose with all the hype, jet life, 5***** hotels, world travel gorgeous blonde's laying over engine bonnets more money than sense it really becomes the norm so he got caught how many others haven't do we all think that the people involved in this have a night in Monaco and go to bed with a nice book.



  4. who gives a **** what he does in his private life, Just because everyone knows about it now doesn't mean he's now not doing his job the same way as he was before.  It doen't make him a different person just because people know what he gets up to in his own time. Say he was doing things like it since before he became president but you didn't know, just because you now Do know doesn't mean he will act any differently.

    Apparenlty his wife was involed with it all aswell anyway.

  5. He's an embarrassment and leaders who embarrass their organizations have to go.  I hope this leads to the demise of the FIA - the idiots who voted for him to stay can stew in the rotten mess they have created.  Those who leave to form their own organization will take the crown jewel - Formula 1 - with them.  The television rights fraud that Max perpetrated with Bernie will be moot since the new orgnaization will sign a new deal with market value for  the television rights - - $10 billion not $300 million.

  6. Federation Internationale de Automobile.

    I think Max should of gone, yes nothing to do with his job but its just not a way to behave. I would expect anyone in any walk of life to loose their job over adultery.

  7. Lol. Poor Mr Mosley. I think what goes on in their private life on their own time should remain private, however Mr Mosley should be sacked from F1 for life, as it all took place around a GP. Unacceptable at best.

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