
Is FEMA building prison camps, and if so, why?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for the links, Scorpion S




  1. Yes, so they can round up all the liberals right before the election and ship them off to the camps.

    I think I see a big black truck coming down your street.  Quick!! Hide!!

  2. I have heard the same, and actually seen pictures on the net..............I have no idea if this is a hoax or real.  We as citizens I do not think will truly know.

  3. Yes. And let's see, why would one build any sort of prison? Hmmmmm. To store grain? No. To store building materials? No. To store rubber chickens? No. Perhaps one would build a prison to store people. That's what I would use a prison for.  

  4. FEMA Concentration Camps:

    Locations and Executive Orders

    Halliburton wins concentration camp contract

    Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

    by Peter Dale Scott

    Global Research, February 6, 2006

    Pacific News Service

    As to why, it depends on who you choose to believe.

  5. Yes. So they can detain any people they deem 'enemy combatants' and that includes us.  

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