
Is FOX NEWS really "Fair and Balanced"?

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Any self-respecting journalist would realize that being "fair and balanced" is an implied and assumed element of good journalism. It shouldn't even be mentioned. The very fact that Fox News has to constantly say they are "fair and balanced" makes me think they probably aren't.




  1. Fox is not a news network.  They are an advertisement for right wing Republican politics.

    They lost any pretense of objectivity when they hired Karl Rove.  Rove is a right wing consultant making his living attacking anyone that stands in the way of the extreme right.  Fox does not disclose his relationships and presents his commentary as "fair and balanced."  

    Fox is a joke.

  2. No......just watch Sean Hannity!!!!

  3. what unlike cnn the clinton news network

  4. Hahahahaha!!!!!

    Good one. Fox fair and balanced.

    Oh, you mean they're SERIOUS?

    Go to that site, which documents instances of lies and misinformation in the news.

    Do a search for Fox.

  5. Fox has never been "fair and balanced".

    When you have news anchors referring to "Obama bin Laden" multiple times over the course of an entire day, and using "liberal" as an 4-letter word insult for anyone that doesn't agree with your views is HARDLY "fair or balanced".

    I find it odd that they continually attack "the liberal media", for its bias, yet when I watch CNN, MSNBC, or even my local news (from the most liberal of liberal cities - San Francisco) I never hear any of them attacking anyone, or moaning about conservative bias.  I also never hear them launching subtle (and not so subtle) personal attacks against republicans or the president.  So...where's the bias again?

    Fox should just come clean and change their motto to "We stand for god, country and republicans."  At least that'd be up front and honest.  Remember - it's not News.  It's Fox News.

  6. The problem is that you have two to three generations raised on liberal bias that anything that gives them a view outside of their Fahrenheit-451 video habits is "bad."

    Fox has no fear saying it like it is no matter what it is.  With Fox, there is no sacred cow except the truth.  Fox does a good job of journalism by making you uncomfortable and jump starting your considerations out of your fixed opinions.

    When Hillary knew she had to show on Fox, it is one of the final signs that the liberal ABNBCBS types got their monopoly of influence broken.

    Somewhere the ghost of Edward R. Morrow is laughing his butt off keeping a retired Walter Kronkite and his scion Dan Rather annoyed.

  7. no they are biased

  8.  Is a hilliary front group. Yea they are all honest!

  9. Fox News is fair and balanced if you are to the right, just like MSNBC is fair and balanced if you are to the left.  I am a moderate, and I listen to both sides, and then I can make my own decisions.  I don't need either side telling me what to think.

  10. From my viewpoint Fox is an equal opportunity offender.

    They p**s off everyone equally.

    That's  their job.

    How much more balanced can they be?

    Ohhh, the talk show hosts are not journalists.  They don't profess to be.

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