
Is FYROMacedonia next Albanian target ? Is Albania trying to become a power in Balkans supported by US?

by Guest34242  |  earlier

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What is opinion of FYROMacedonians ?




  1. The order of disaster is the following

    - Certain parts of Serbian KOSOVO

    - Certain parts of Macedonia

    - Certain parts of Montenegro

    - Certain parts of South Epiros (Northern Epiros already belongs to Albania).

    Is Albania trying to become a power in Balkans supported by US?

    The answer is CERTAINLY NOT!

    USA wants to make its strong hold there whereas Albanians,they are trying only to achieve a DREAM of every ETHNIC group which is to live all together in ONE State.

    Greece has tried to do that in 1921-23 but was shamefully sold out by its allies - UK and France.

    Serbia has achieved that but unfortunately the King Alexander's grandomania made sharp U-turn. Today we can see devastating results of such a policy continued somewhat by the communist traitors.

    The PROBLEM occurs when these dreams target the same territory. That is the reason why ALL THE BALCAN COUNTRIES have to wake up or a beautifull dream shall turn into a nightmare. There are rules that must be obeyed and be equal for all, otherwise the chaos is going to prevail (AGAIN!!!).

    USA has lost any credibility on moral issues and on human rights issues. It has proven itself an arogant bully hooligan country,counting on the mere and bare force.

    Thank God, Russia has come out of a knock down and small countries can try to balance again between the giants.

    Could we try to imagine Europe, (EU) with Russia as a member? Can we see the frightening force of a 50 States EU?

    That is why USA (and UK) need a manageable crisis within the (European) continent in order to be able to prevent any possible idea of making this BIG EUROPE possible.

    Having that in mind we could understand why do they need a n anti-missile shield in Chek Republic and Poland and that is why they are pumpimg up the new cold war. Why would they anyway, Russia is DEMOCRATIC CAPITALIST country now?

  2. That is so obvious.Albanians want to make greater Albania which means taking Kosovo from Serbs,half of Macedonia,half of Montenegro and northern Greece.They DO have American support which is a great problem but that will change,trust me,USA will soon have greater problems than interfering everywhere,so Albanians will be left alone,surrounded by enemies they made themselves.Orthodox alliance shall take care of the rest.

  3. I think Clinton was a "neo-con" long before Bush.

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