
Is Fahrenheit more exact measurement than Celsius?

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I moved from the U.S. to Europe and I still prefer F.

I do however prefer the other of the metric systems that Europe uses.




  1. If the temperature is expressed in whole degrees, then F is nearly twice as exact. If the C is expressed in halves of a degree and F in whole degrees, they're about equally exact. The accuracy still depends on how the temperature is measured. Two thermometers side by side could give different temperatures regardless of whether they read in F or C.

    Preference just depends on what you're used to. If you move back to the U.S. in a few years, you'll probably miss C.

  2. Fahrenheit is more exact than Celsius because it has a larger range. You really wont feel the difference though, so just try to adopt the most common system.

    Given the same number of digits Fahrenheit is more exact, but Celsius can be as exact or even more if given more significant figures...

    EX: 22.94387 is more exact than 22.94

  3. just use which ever it is that you are comfortable using.

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