
Is Fascism and Nazism still alive in Europe?Add a reson please to the answer?

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  1. Alive? Hmn, hooked to some monitors to be sure. It's alive in the few extremists groups out there. You only seldom hear of them, sometimes on the news. If you want a reason, or evidence, try visiting a Jewish graveyard and see the sights for yourself.

    It'll never die out, some goes for weeds and other extremists...of any sort.

  2. I think there always will be to a certain degree, and not just Europe, but all over the world.  I don't think people fall into definite political groups but rather fall on a spectrum that ranges from Ultra Liberal/Communist to Ultra Conservative/Facist.  Most people you find will fall in the middle and taper off to fewer on the ends.  (A bell curve.)

  3. It's still alive in Europe and the US too, just read the newspapers and you will see.

  4. There are still n***s and Fascists all over the world.

    There are KKK rallies in the US, Neo-n**i rallies in the US & germany;

    and wasn't there a Fascist elected to the Italian parliament a few years ago?  I want to say it was Mussolini's grand daughter or something like that.

    Hatred will always exist so long as descent people do nothing to stop it.

  5. Nazism, or National Socialism, is no longer practiced anywhere in the world as an economic/social policy.  There are pockets of clubs calling themselves 'n***s' which emphasize only the psuedo-science and racist eugenics of the German n**i Party, but that is all.

    Fascism is alive and well and practiced in every communist nation on Earth; and Fascism is practiced by every dictator in Africa.

    Fascism is simply a police state - totalitarianism, invented by Benito Mussolini in 1920s Italy based on ancient Rome.

  6. No its not. I frequently go to Germany and there are more pacifists there than in the U.S. Europeans are alot more peaceful.

  7. Yes! I come from Poland and live in Germany, there's neo-n**i groups in both Poland (sic!) and Germany. In both countries you find n**i symbols on the walls.

    By the way, spreading neo-n**i ideology in is illegal in many countries, not only Germany. Yet it doesn't stop people from doing it.

  8. The fascism and Nazism practiced during World War II do not exist any longer. In Germany, one can no longer be a n**i as it is illegal. That does not mean people do not belong to neo-n**i groups. German (and other European neo-n**i groups) neo-n**i get their paraphenilia in the USA as it is not manufactured in Europe. There are innumerable hate groups across the world (in the USA there is an organization that actually tracks them - Southern Poverty Law Center) and you can even argue there are "hate groups" leading some governments. There are no longer n**i, or National Socialist, parties ruling governments anywhere in the world. There are fascist governments acting as dictators, particularly arguable in Africa or Asia.  

  9. I don't know about Fascism. But Nazism is still alive somewhat.. Currently, it's alive in Russia. A lot of neo-n***s are attacking people in Russia; regardless of age and gender. I think it has a lot of to do with their xenophobic attitude towards immigrants.  Nazism is also illegal in Germany from what I read. But that doesn't mean there aren't any in Germany.  

  10. Do Japanese girls still have a grudge against us? After all they were there at Pearl Harbor.

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