
Is Father's Day celebrated differently than Mother's Day?

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All during the month of May, there were ads on the radio and TV and in the newspapers for Mother's Day. They were mostly flowers, jewelry, spa treatments, brunches, and the like. Traditional "woman" stuff.

But this month for Father's Day, most of the ads were about tools, electronics, and steak dinners. Traditional "man" stuff.

Is this discrepancy indicative of the market's response to societal/cultural values regarding how we view mothers and fathers? Or rather does it encourage maintaining stereotypical gender roles?

And it does seem that Mother's Day is emphasized MUCH MORE than Father's Day. Of course, I can't back that up with reliable evidence, but I did remember many more ads about Mother's Day than about Father's Day.




  1. This is a function of socialization, which is not scheduled to change any time soon.

    My personal opinion, if it matters, is that men need more reminding and ideas than women do.

    Men look for ideas from ads, women look for good deals on stuff they know they are shopping for.

    I wish it wasn't that way.

  2. You want perfume for Father's Day?

    Years ago my family owned several Baskin-Robbins stores.  We did a huge dessert business (ice cream cakes and pies) on holidays.  Our biggest holiday was Thanksgiving.  Our second biggest:  Mother's Day.  Father's Day didn't make the top 10.  Not offering a judgment, just reporting a fact.  We always assumed that on Mother's Day, men and their kids took Mother out for dinner, but on Father's Day women and their kids cooked special for Dad.

    Personally I couldn't live without my cordless drill, but I'm glad it wasn't a gift.

  3. I don't think there were any more ads for moms than there are for dads. But I do think you are right about the stereotypical roles and interests.

    Marketers now will make a big deal about any holiday, no matter how insignificant. I can't see them wasting the opportunity on fathers day.

  4. On a societal level, probably.

    In my house it isn't.

  5. Probably much more consumer money is spent on Mother's Day for the simple fact that a large chunk of the Baby Boomers (the wealthiest consumers, and therefore the most targeted by ads) still have mothers, but not fathers, living. Because of the difference in life expectancy, there are just many more mothers living than fathers.

  6. I agree but  I think in general women are encouraged a lot more to be 'pampered' like spa treatments, bath things, choclate etc and men aren't. A lot of it is unimagination, how many times have I looked for a husband anniversary card and the choice is:

    bear with football

    bear with beer

    bear with car


  7. They arent really celebrated.  Just one of those "show respect and appreciation but dont really care" sort of days.  Like a Christian during Lent

  8. The most telling stat on Father's Day is how many Collect calls are made on that day. Fathers are not important in the American Gynocracy anymore. And are treated little better than Criminals. It is why I am urging my Sons not to Father Children in this Republic. Because it hates its Men. So long as America views Men as future Rapists and Criminals. Its days as a Republic are numbered. How much longer will Men fight and defend a Nation that considers them Criminals and despises them.

  9. I think it's a bit of both - the market responds to AND reinforces percieved social norms. And it is irritating.

    As for more ads... not sure - maybe because Mothering Sunday was a tradition long before father's day? Maybe because there are more single mothers than single fathers? Maybe because another gender stereotype is that women are more involved in caring for children, so Mother's day is more relevant. Either way, really the ads should be more similar.

  10. Both days appear to require the giving of more expensive gifts in America.  In England, the average mother might get a card and maybe a bunch of flowers or box of chocolates or something from her children, but not normally jewellery and stuff (well, not any of the mothers I know anyway).

    We haven't had much of a tradition of father's day until recently in the UK, and it doesn't seem to be such a big thing, but i did see an ad on TV recently for a special compilation CD of rock music which is called 'Dad Rocks' and which is supposed to be the ideal father's day gift.

  11. I agree that there is more advertisment for Mother's Day.  Statistics show that women are the higher I guess the advertising market takes advantage of that.

    I guess men just like tools, and electronics, I know I get my Dad and husband one of those..and I always get flowers and purfume, because I like them too!

  12. I am a father.  When is the father's day?

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