
Is Fev moving to Essendon next year?

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Rumor has it Carlton haven't signed him on yet and Essendon are after him.

Also is it true Collingwood want Ben Cousins?

I hope Fevola doesn't get moved to Essendon

Although he is a great footballer I am definately not a fan of Fevola.




  1. That rumour is pretty much BS. Essendon have a solid forward line already with Matthew Lloyd and Jay Neagle coming out of his shell. The last thing they need is a stuck-up his own *** d**k head to ruin the Essendon young guys growth.

    Who wouldn't want Ben Cousins. If he truly is off the smack, any team who want a Premiership in the next three years would try get him. Rebuilding teams wouldn't really care much for it...

    I wouldn't mind him coming to Essendon. We need a solid veteran midfielder who can stand up. I mean we have Peverill and Jason Johnson but the idiot coach wont play them! Now JJ is injured. Stanton, Watson, Winderlich (Injured too), Lovett all are young. We need someone who can take control down the stretch. Clutch.

  2. I hope so!

  3. **I would be very surprised if Carlton didn't re-sign Fev.  I think the only reason they wouldn't would be if he was greedy and left for more money.

    I haven't heard the rumour that Collingwood are after Ben Cousins.  I don't think they'd be stupid enough to get him and I don't think he'd be much value to them because he's getting older.**

  4. Haha, I wouldn't want Fev at my club either! I don't think he will go to Essendon, he will stay at the Blues. The only reason he hasn't signed with them yet is because he wants more money and more lenient conditions (regarding behaviour) on his contract.

    It could be true that Collingwood wants Ben Cousins, but in saying that, they supposedly go after every player (eg: Chris Judd, Jonathan Brown).

  5. Oh please God, no.

    I am a bomber fan,

    He is doing well at the moment, but he has the influence to completely dismantle a team spirit by goofing off.

  6. Even though he hates any afl team out of melbourne... i would be happy if he came to the eagles =)


    if fev comes to windy hill i wont attend 1 game

    please no fev stay at ur pu$$ie club

    ben cousins story is true pies want him!!

    carn bombers!!!

  8. i think carlton would sign him.

    yes it true collingwood want ben cousins maybe. it is still not definite if he wants to play but collingwood have m,et with him and hi mannager a few times

  9. nah fev will sign

  10. geez careful youll throw the blues supporters into palputations

  11. I thought either John Elliot or Richard Pratt said that Carlton was definitely sign Fevola for at least another three years after his performance against the Pies.

    It isn't the end of the season, and there is still a lot of time for Brendan to sign the dotted line.

  12. no essendon don't need him. they have scott lucas and matty loyd

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