
Is Finsbury Park one of the most haunted places in Britain?

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Is Finsbury Park one of the most haunted places in Britain?




  1. I've never heard of any hauntings around Finsbury Park.  Until it's destruction by fire in 1939, Borley Rectory in Essex was known as the most haunted place in England.  Apparently the phantom nun can still be seen wandering around the church grounds opposite the site of the house.  I've been there a few times but disappointingly I've never seen anything there.

    I think Dover Castle is one of the most haunted buildings still standing in England.

  2. It's not somewhere I have ever heard of having a major amount of activity, but judging by the number of murders there in the past few years (it's a pretty grim area) I wouldn't be at all surprised.

  3. No Borley Rectory!

  4. All parks are very haunted, so it could well be.

  5. Not haunted, But its not the most pretty place..

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