
Is Fiqh Akbar is a Salafi Book ?

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The Salafi/Nasibi belief that Allah (swt) is the root source of acts of polytheism, fornication and homosexuality

In the recognised Ahl'ul Sunnah work "Fiqa-e-Akbar" we read:

"To become Muslim it is obligatory that one believes that all good and evil, pious and bad deeds all come from Allah (swt)".

"Fiqa-e-Akbar" page 13 by Imam 'Abu Hanifa

May Allah (swt) forgive us! This means that Man is helpless and has no control over his actions, all acts are from Allah (swt) man is just a tool like a pen, sword or bike. It is left to Allah (swt) to use these tools and man has absolutely no discretion. Taking this to its logical conclusion, this Fatwa means that Allah (swt) murdered Hadhrath Uthman; Allah (swt) issued Hadhrath Hafsa with the utterance of 'first' divorce. Furthermore, it means that every brothel in the world is run by Allah (swt), and that acts of kufr, polytheism, fornication, homosexuality, child abuse, robbery, theft, drinking etc are all arranged by Allah (swt). This likewise also means that Allah (swt) also wills chants raised against the Sahaba. This is the faith of the Nasibis.




  1. May Allah guide them and have them refrain from telling lies. (Ameen)

    Usually, shia'as resort to such tactics and strategems when they run out of arguments to defend themselves, and start attacking. In this process, they often forget were they are quoting from, and mix up things unintentionally, or even deliberately at times, hoping that the opponent may not be clever enough to realise their trick.

    Perhaps, it's a part of Taqqiya. Allah knows best.

    Let's pray in this Holy month that Allah blesses them with His guidance. (Ameen)

  2. i think this idea is a little older than that.

    some just try to twist words to arrive to the conclusion that if it is not God who created bad stuff than who did? which is a pointless subject.

    In Islam it is very known that God allowed us to have free will, but yet always knew what we will do before we do it. he knew what was and what will be, and what is not, if it was, how it would be.

    in other words God created everything and all possibilities, made a cause for everything and gave us the free will to choose and cause things to happen...

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