
Is First Minister Salmond right about 'typical Labour humbug' ?

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  1. Och Aye.

  2. When will you few Scots actually get it he is just another politician sucking on the gravy train just like the rest.He wants to get on the European bandwagon like the rest of them these speeches are just politics and vote grabbing wake up.

  3. Yes.. he is ...

    In true Scottish Labour Party fashion, they didn't check their facts properly, before launching an attack... it has something to do with a collective short attention span, I believe.  Perhaps it's a virus they all caught from bendy Wendy?.... the undisputed queen of opening her mouth, before engaging her brain.  Some of her exchanges with Eck in Holyrood, were some of the most cringe-making moments in recent (thankfully past)  history.

    Robert C - "Alex Salmond used to be a Labour Member of Parliament!"

    --- you're havering, man - are you in the Labour Party too??

  4. If I am correct!Alex Salmond used to be a Labour Member of Parliament!These politicians will sing any old tune to keep being elected!

    When it comes to political 'humbug'There is no one more qualified to speak on that subject than Alex Salmond!He is the biggest 'humbug' of the lot!

  5. yes  and as a scot he should know about humbug aka blair;brown et al

  6. He is right about very little.

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