
Is Flaxseed safe for children? 2 years old... see more below.

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I mix flaxseed into some of the things I'm cooking/baking because its so healthy for you... My 2 year old son isn't eating as well as I'd like him to... I'm trying new things, but I've also found that hiding "nutritional" items in other things is working well for now. He LOVES peanut butter sandwiches with wheat bread, and I was wondering if I could sprinkle some flaxseed on his sandwiches... I don't think he would taste any difference...

Your thoughts?




  1. This was an interesting question I thought - I actually passed it by because I wasn't familiar with Flax-seed - however I have done no research about it but at the age of 2 you should be careful what supplements you give - if you child isn't eating properly as in amounts or the right foods then give a vitamin for children that should be enough to make a safe balance for his no eating properly. You should consult your child's doctor of giving things like flax-seed to a child of a young age.

  2. Should be fine if you crush them up first. Crush them up just before you use them in a coffee grinder as the essential fatty acids start to oxidise after you crush them and you don't want them rancid. Sometimes I make fruit muffins using wholemeal flour, ground flaxseeds, ground nuts and other seeds (almonds, wallnuts, sunflower seeds), sugar free maple syrup, blackstrap molasses and calcium fortified soy milk. Looks and tastes like a treat but it's nutrient dense so my 3 year old loves them :) A teaspoon of flaxseed oil in yogurt is also a good way to boost a childs EFA intake.

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