
Is Florida too hot for a rabbit?

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I might be buying a rabbit and I want to keep it in a pen outside in the shade in my patio. I live in Florida and in the summer the temperature is usually 80-90 degrees. What should I do if this is too hot for a rabbit?




  1. Remember australia ? they loved it there

  2. no , don't leave your rabbit outside, my friends rabbit over heated cause it lived outside in the patio in the  shade.  this happened to my friend's rabbit and he lives in Florida too, please, for the rabbit's sake let it live inside, plus its less exspensive, if you let it live outside you have to pay for flea medicine and mabe heart worm medicine, and flea/heart worm medicine is exspensive.  inside cages arn;t that exspensive (i think it's less exspensive then the outside cages).

    And alot of rabbit owners let their rabbits run loose in the house.

    so let it live inside.

    heres the link to cheap rabbit cages and i think shipping is like 6$ for everything here

  3. 80 is the MAX temp a rabbit can tolerate. higher than 80 they can die of heat stroke.... a rabbit CANNOT be kept outside in florida... however inside with AC is ok

  4. no i live in texas where its about 5-10 degrees hotter just have a fan on it and make sure it has plenty of water

  5. Not if you're under AC

  6. Florida is fine for a rabbit, as long as you keep on top of their care on those hot summer days. There are plenty of rabbit breeders in California that I know who face temperature over 100 degrees in the summer, and their rabbits (although uncomfortable) do fine because they keep ontop of their care.

    I devoted a page of my rabbit care website to tips on keeping your rabbit cool in the summer. You can find them here:

    Good luck! Stay cool!

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