
Is Fox news giving "Fair and balance" a new meaning?

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Recent contraversy about the term used "baby mama" on Mrs. Obama causing a stir. The much ado about political nothing could also be link to Mrs. Obama hand lock jester with the senator during his nomination. I personally took no offense to anything Mrs. Obama has made. I think it shows the vivacious dynamics that have made the couple ahead of everyone else. I've seen a major internet put a monkey semimpose next to Obama earlier today. Don't ask me to name any names but I thought that was more scandalous.




  1. When Al Franken was sued by Fox for using the terms "Fair and Balanced" in his book cover which ostensibly made fun of FoxNews, the judge threw the case out saying that Fox News was neither "fair nor balanced."

    I think that's pretty accurate.  And you're right. that second thing is VERY offensive.

  2. You liberals can't handle the truth that is why you make fun of Fox News.     Do you realize how many times CNN has been caught lying and cheating?    Not to mention MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC as well.

    Fox News reports the facts without a liberal slant on the story.    This is what they are known for unlike their competitors.     Now take that into consideration when you also realize they have the highest ratings than any other network on cable.

    Michelle Obama has made very stupid remarks such as, "for the 1st time in my life, I am so proud of my country".     She is an idiot and will never become first lady.     Her husband is a reckless, inexperienced BAFFOON.    He hangs around with former terrorists and radical preachers who hate everyone who is not black.

    Enjoy your kool aid

  3. First of all, Fox is not a news channel Fox is an entertainment channel. Fox is one of the entities that helped dumb-down out society. Earlier in the campaign Fox tried to destroy Obama. Fox tells one lie after another. That includes Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. There are videos on YouTube explaining how ex news employees were treated by Fox. Management. They were told to lie, in some of their "newscasts." So the news reporters walked off the job.  Fox is nothing more than an arm of the Republican Party. Their lies are no secret and they have no standing in the world of professional  journalism. Someone on Fox said that Obama should be killed. I don't know that to be true, but I'm gonna find out. Fair and balanced had no meaning the way Foxed used that phrase. They always were liars and I suspect that they will always be liars.

  4. Fox News is a joke. Nothing more than tabloid television

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