
Is France a multicultural country like USA ?

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Is France a multicultural country like USA ?




  1. Yes and no -

    Yes - because mainly in big cities you'll meet all kinds of ethnicities - partly due to french colonial past, handwork needs, refugees, (and expats) -

    No- because the US system tends, like in GB, to enable each ethnicity to live in a rebuilt community, in which you can live without learning english etc

           French system always worked on the assimilation system

    which does not allow people eg not to send their children to french schools - that's why after two generations, if you ignore particular aspect of skin colour, people are more uniformized.

    Citizenships in France :

    From before 1939 : poles - czechs - germans - belgians

                                       italians - indochinese - russians -


    Then :                        algerians - tunisians - moroccans- black

                                       africans - portuguese - spanish

    Now again :               poles - rumanians - ukrianians -turks

  2. Yes= they have a African, Asian, they have also Caribbean and Overseas territory.

  3. No it is not.

    There are certainly people from many ethnic and religious backgrounds in France. The President of France, for example, is of Hungarian descent.

    But there is not the constant emphasis on origins that one finds in the USA. M. Sarkozy would not refer to himself as a Magyar-Francais in the way that many in the USA would say they are "Irish-American."

    French nationality is historically based on the principle of "jus soli" rather than "jus sanguinis." While this is the same principle that we have in the United States, the French take it much further.

    A person who lives in France, speaks French, accepts the principles of French democracy, and has French citizenship is French no matter where they or their ancestors come from. French law forbids the government to keep statistics which  identify citizens by race or as anything besides simply "French."

    The obsession with identifying oneself as a member of subgroup, especially an allegedly victimized subgroup, is not considered proper in France.

  4. sure it is !!

    it kinda like the US : many cultures in cities and a lot less in the country !

    it like all the industrialized countries : students, expats, refugees, immigration... everybody want to come in France, like south american people want to go to the US...

  5. Yes France is really multicultural

    Even if  I agree with those who said that France is not multicultural in way of U.K or USA. In an other way France is closer to the the theory of the melting pot of USA than the theory of the multiculturalism of U.K.

    It don't change the fact that France is multicultural, a little trip in the street of many big and middle french city you can easly see the cultural diversity of France.

    French regions (There is a big cultural gap betwen Northern France and Southern France, don't also forget overseas departements full french but culturally different) and of foreigns countries, mostly south european,  north africa, sub saharian african and asian cultures.

    Well maybe people can contest the fact of the multiculturalism but not the fact of the ethnic and racial diversity.

    France is the most multiethnical and multiracial country in Europe.

    If you compare a small city in France and a small city in other european country you can see the difference.

    France small cities are quite diverse where the average European small cities are not.

    I am  half black caribbean french and I was born and grow up in a small city in central France (Not really the the most diverse region of France)

    They were african, asian, portuguese shops.

    It was easy to eat foreign food and also food form other region especially for caribbean overseas french departement.

    I don't need to add that Paris is one of most multicultural city in rthe world, along with New York, Toronto, London.

  6. Yes, but not as much.  France is an old country, not a young nation of immigrants.  Their is a sizable minority of Africans.  Plus many eastern europeans have come there.  But there is an established population that has been there for millenia unlike the US.  

    In the US you could only say that the American Indians have been there for millenia, but there numbers are very low.

  7. Rillifane gave a great answer. I'd say that France is definitely a multiethnic country but isn't really multicultural as it encourages all citizens to adapt to French culture. Which is the way it should be.

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