
Is France worth visiting?

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I've always wanted to visit Paris to see what the hype is all about. I went to Spain to visit my family 6 years ago and loved it. I'm going back there this summer and want to know if going to France is worth it.




  1. Definitely! Paris is the most beautiful city in Europe and you have to visit it!

  2. It is One of the most beautiful and colorful countries i have ever been to

    I love and ADORE la france

  3. well is "only" world 1st travel destination...

    Should be a good reason for that ... No?

    but not for under educated or redneck...

  4. Germany, UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, and the Checz Republic are nicer and more friendly.

  5. Absolutely! If anything, go just to see the Eiffel Tower. Go to visit the Louvre and see some of the greatest works of art. Go just to see how different the architecture is and how beautiful the trees looked lined up in front of the buildings. France is one of the oldest countries with such a rich history. It is worth visiting Paris.

  6. It's definitely worth it.  I always heard how rude they were and all that, but they're actually very nice people.  Paris is one of those places that you just have to go to.  The Eiffel Tower is amazing!  Walk to the top of the Arc de Triumph.  All the museums, Notre Dame, Champs d'Elysses, are must sees!

  7. Is worth NOT visiting France.

  8. NO


    decide for yourself

    i would say yes

    if you are going,

    travel info

    i'm sure you'll have a pleasing stay

    au revoir

  10. Sure, because of its diversity of landscapes, its history, monuments, food.

    Don't miss Paris but also try to see something else like the Riviera or Provence which is so different from the North area and have magnificent spots.

  11. With such history and beauty and culture, France is definitely worth visiting.  Just as you have the stereotypes of different regions here in the States, you will have them in France.  The Southerners tend to be a bit more friendly than the northerners in my opinion.  In my experience, they've always loved Americans and have been very helpful.  The Northerners, especially around Paris, have tended to be a bit more stand-offish, but they are used to tourists and have never been afraid to help.  My favorite place in France was definitely the Provence, which is in the south (contains Marseille) on the Mediterranean.  Some people have a very bad opinion of the French, but it is no different a country than the diversity that you find here.  Just because they do not like the leader of our nation does not mean they dislike Americans as a whole.  I just wouldn't go touting Bush over there. :)

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