
Is Freddy Flintoff in love with Monty parnesar?

by  |  earlier

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Look at Flintoffs trousers in the picture-




  1. He has a big bat

  2. Monty is only trying to push it back with his knees. Freddy is in ecstasy or pain it's hard to tell.

  3. I knew it! Those guys never see their women, so their 'release' is in testosterone driven sports. EW

  4. is saw that it was a bit funny lol... but what happened Freddy appealed for an LBW against Kallis ,.and was given not out.,......but video evidence showed Kallis was OUT   ...Freddy appeared to go GA GA!  ,, and questioned/cursed.  the umpire for several minutes ....finally fully pumped up and stoked  he cleaned bowled Kallis next over the celebration was ..over the top..great cricket !!


    OOPS !!      i see what your talking about iv just looked at the pic again  and noticed the thing in question lol


  5. so he's got planks of wood down his trousers so what !

  6. lol he got all excited it turned him on

  7. that is weird man!!!!  maybe.

  8. He was excited, but not about Monty! lol

  9. LOL!!

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