
Is Freedom of Speech a dead letter?

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Freedom of speech is the right to protest in a non-violent manner. In Britain, however, this right is regularly violated by gagging orders and use of Anti-social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs). In effect it is considered anti-social to object to anything publicly. Yet, freedom of speech should trump polcor ('political correctness') every time.

If you become politically correct you have become a willing slave and are complicit in the death of free speech. If you cannot speak a truth then others cannot hear a truth. Being polcor is for people who can't handle freedom of speech.

I think that the people behind political correctness need to be rounded up, put together in a big cage and be forced to listen to each other's psycho-babble for 40 days and 40 nights.




  1. The social liberals in the U.S. have crated a vehicle or fiction to deny full freedom of speech:  Hate Speech!!   I detect no appreciable difference between the U.K. and  U.S. legal construction.  The U.S. is a divided country and it a bright line around the issue of the obligation of dissenters to submit to the will of the degenerates who write our state and federal laws.   In the U.S., there is the added punishment discrimination civil lawsuits for money to assist the portion of the population who are unproductive from birth.

  2. they don't want people's feelings hurt when in truth, they need to be hurt for things to change. i guess that's partially the piont really. it's all rediculous. people also attack those with outside views such as being antiwar and a nonbeliever. trust me i know from experience. i refused to stand for the pledge in school and the viceprinciple(a war veteran of course) tried to make me even though that violates my right of speech and is against the law.

  3. You're right. Yahoo! Answers perfectly exemplifies it too.

  4. harsh.

    here we just accuse you of something, or frame you

    or you go missing.


  5. Good to know that the political correctness lunacy isn't just an American phenomenon.

  6. Yes it is a dead letter. Look at history; other isms (like being politically correctism) were first laughed at.  Then those isms started killing people.  The brilliant genius of the politically correct is that they make it socially illegal (and illegal by the law too) to speak your mind.

  7. And what if I consciously desire to be politically correct? Am I speaking freely, or am I just a victim? It's possible to speak the truth without offending anyone. It's all semantics.

  8. Unless someone likes what you say and doesnt report you, then it isnt.

  9. What you call truth, most people would call opinion.

    What you call political correctness, most people would call manners.

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