
Is G McCann still writing his blog, and if so is it worth reading nowadays?

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Is G McCann still writing his blog, and if so is it worth reading nowadays?




  1. I neither know nor care.  The sooner this self-serving pair of child-neglectors is left to stew in the bleakness of their consciences, without the alleviation of media massaging the better for all concerned.

    Their pathetic attempts to hook Maddy onto every other missing child is plain sick and unhelpful to that child's parents.

    By all means let the search for Maddy continue, but keep this ghastly pair out of the Media.

  2. Beats me how he could write it in the first place

  3. Why not have a look yourself.

  4. Yes he's writing but irregularly and it's worth reading sometimes.

  5. Not really. Apparently shes not important enough. He didnt even bother to comment on the alleged sighting in France.

    And yet we have seen pictures of him golfing away without a care in the world. Interesting ...........

  6. First we are asked why the Daily Express and Daily Star appear to have removed all mention of Madeleine, now we're asked if Gerry is still writing his blog. Why don't you people simply find out for yourselves?

  7. MMMMMM... Gerry..... I'm not saying he's guilty but he was an irresponsible after leave Maddie alone.

  8. Yes, he's still writing the blog but only about once every 2 weeks.  Is it worth reading? ....depends on what you're interested in and what your opinions are.

  9. There's a site devoted to his blogs, plus a lot more besides! Worth a look if you want to find out the truth, not what Clarence and the British press want you to know.

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