...is ball point pen control a better answer? Let me explain...
Petty robbers typically pull off "hits" that will garner the armed petty thief a few hundred dollars. On a bank "hit" they might make off with several thousnd dollars. Most of these petty robbers get busted with in minutes of the "hit" & have to go through a length rehab social program.
Most of the BIG BOYS, such as Obama & McCain use ball point pens for a "hit". They carry concealed ball points in their vest pockets, & when they whip out those big bore ball points, MAJOR damage is done in short order! Like...
(1) DEBT SPENDING(wipes out any so called tax cuts)
(2)FOREIGN AID(No Comment needed here!)
(3)BUSSINESS TAX(passed on to the consumer)
(4)TAX THE WEALTHY(see answer # three above)
(5)COMMODITY TAXES( see answer # three above)
(6)INTERNATIONAL TREATIES(negates any elected representation)
The above mentioned are but a "few" of the casualties brought upon the American people by politicians wielding ball points. One can easily see which "weapon" of choice effects more Americans & at what a COST!!!
BUT, would outlawing ball points stop the politicians from committing crime? I doubt it, they'd just find another weapon, keyboards/computers, electronic signatures & the list of weapons goes on & on. Might it be better to curb crime with in America by scrutinizing the "diff" between politicians & constitutionally based REPRESENTATIVES of & for the people, then vote responsibly?
There are OTHER choices of both party & candidates than just what the major managed news media entertains Americans with.
It's YOUR WALLET/FREEDOMS on line, have you checked out ALL your options?