
Is GW&S the only place in the world where questions to women start with Ladies etc?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me where to go and spew.




  1. I like being called a lady! If it makes you feel better....I'm not a feminist. And no, this isn't the only place. I hang out on mommy sites and the questions there often start with "ladies" too.

  2. no... the famly....  marrage....  an singles sectons all get questons that start with...  ladies...  to...  ppl there ask lots the same questons they ask here to...  an lots of times better questons....

  3. it's how people with good ettiquette and manners address women...

  4. No, not necessarily, in brothels and near the Holland Tunnel, questions usually begin with, "Ladies, how much."

  5. At least they don't refer to us as girl's and attempt to denigrate our maturity and treat us like children.  Oh snap!!!  They already do.

  6. Ladies? You mean Wilder beasts.

    The same goes for the men in this category.

  7. Well I is called Gender and "Women's" section,,

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