
Is Gamboa to Amteurish?

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This makes sense to me but if this is true then Gamboa isn't going to improve much, what do you think?

Qouting The Watcher - Listen Gamboa currently has 32 rounds under his belt. Everyone is saying he only has 10 fights but let me give you a professional point of view. Every amateur fight counts as 1 round of a pro fight! got it? this is how most top level trainers look at it, thats why they always talk about amateur experience. Gamboa had over 400 amateur bouts so lets just call it an even 400. Thats 400 rounds & break them down to 6 round fights, that gives him roughly 66, 6 rounds fights of experience. If you break them down to 4 rounders then he even has more, he isn't going to change much, he has developed a style of his own & will not likely change.

15 hours ago




  1. Yes. he will never amount to much. He is too set in his flawed ways after 400 amateur bouts.

  2. god, cut the guy a ******* break, he just had ten fights, he will get better. even oscar was dropped in one of his early fights. you learn from it.

  3. I would say that Gamboa is going to go on to be a very, very good fighter, he may well have to adapt to the pro game the same as every amateur does but i dont see that having 400 fights as being a negative as the person you have quoted has said if anything i would see his wealth of experience as a positive. I know he suffered a flash knockdown the other night but what i watched was a very one sided fight with flashs of brilliance from Gamboa that say to me that he is going to end up being a future World Champ, he still looks like he needs to get more pro fights under his belt just to help him get a better understanding of the pro game (32 rounds just isnt enough time to learn what is a completely different mindset)but it looks like him being a future champ is a definite to me. All these questions and answers trying to say that Gamboa is not very good and is overated obviously watched a different fight to me some of his combinations in that fight were superb and he looks like he could be a real crowd pleaser.

  4. he's going to get stretched as soon as he fights a guy with some pop.

    and judging by how his corner..... didn't get in his butt for constantly lowering his hands....seems he'll get stretched sooner than later.

    he def. THINKS he hits harder than he actually does. from my observations of how he admired some of his shots.

  5. Impressive amateur record.  But he didn't look that good in his last fight.  For all the hype, I thought he was hit hard way too much.  Has some speed and power, but it looks like he has a long way to go to harness it all.

  6. He is going to be destroyed soon if he doesn't change his ridiculous hands low stand in front of you defense.  Way too amatuerish.

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