
Is Game 4 of the 2008 Finals the biggest choke job in NBA History?

by Guest66862  |  earlier

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how does Kobe let his team blow a 24-pt lead in the 3rd quarter? i thought he was supposed to be the team leader and the "best player in the world." what kind of "best player in the world" chokes like that?




  1. it was all pau gasols fault

  2. No that would be something your daddy gave you !!!!lol

  3. How does LeChoke let his team choke a Finals sweep? I thought Lebrick was supposed to be the team leader and "better than Kobe." What kind of player gets chokes like that?

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  4. wow y u thinkin iz all kobe's fault? look at wat kinda team he had. lets put u out there and make fun of u

  5. gasol sucked sweaty balls the whole series and he plays good for spain

  6. youve asked this question like 7 times.

  7. Athletics will always have tremendous turn arounds and upsets.  In sports, especially basketball, there will always be big runs by each team.  The Lakers had theirs while building their lead, and then the other team had theirs.  Though not really a fan of Kobe, it's hard to label this totally as his fault.  

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