
Is Ganoderma really helpful in curing cancer with 100% surety?

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Is Ganoderma really helpful in curing cancer with 100% surety?




  1. No it is not, if it were it would be used world wide. The Japanese are very fond of using Ganoderma with their treatment but it is not 100% sure that it works

  2. Of course not, but extracts from the mushroom are being studied to see if it might be of some benefit for some types of cancer. Nothing conclusive though . . the problem is that you can't just eat a mushroom and suddenly be cured from cancer . . the problem is that there are over 200 different types of cancer all at various 'progressive stages' than involved age groups from infants to the elderly. So .  . the problem is how much of the mushroom do you give for each age, how long do you give it (a couple days or years), at what dosage is it no longer safe depending on the age of patient or the health of the patient . . and is there any evidence with any of this that tumors shrink, disappear, or active cancer is killed after using the mushroom. At the best . . some research has indicated that in the right amount for some advanced cancers there has been anti-tumor evidence . . but it is still inconclusive. The inconclusion comes from the fact that there are other types of products that have a better response or don't take as long or work better for different cancers . . so the question becomes . . is it worth it to pursue this line of research for so little benefit?

    Memorial Sloan Kettering: Reishi Mushrooms

    Can't hurt though to throw a few mushrooms on your pizza every once in awhile.

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