
Is Gary Oldman a US citizen?

by Guest56349  |  earlier

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Was just curious, because it seems like he's been living in the US for a while now...?




  1. use wiki that path as the answer it is the end of your destiny.

  2. No, he's just regular crazy. LMFAO!!!BANG!!!!!

  3. I think he's British.  A great actor. One of my favorite of his roles was his portrayal of the terrorist in Air Force One.  He was mesmerizing.

  4. I doubt it, he's from England.

  5. Gary Oldman was born in England, I haven't found details about citizenship since he is a very private person.

    It's possible that he might be since he has lived in America since the 90's.

    He's probably a dual citizen like many other hollywood imports.

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