
Is Gatorade not healthy?

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My mom keeps saying that she read in a health magazine that Gatorade is very bad for you and that 2 teens died from it LMAO. She said that the magazine said it has 10 times more caffeine than a cup of coffee and you won't realize how addicted you'll be to it. I drink it almost everyday. What will happen if I continue drinking? Is it seriously not healthy? Thank you




  1. There isn't any caffiene.  There is water and salt.  It has a lot of calories though.


        powerade is better. no don't panic just change brand and have water  after you have a bottle. go to your local supermarket and look

    through the drinks isle.

  3. Gatorade is basically like drinking soda. More calories, more sugar, less nutrients. People advertise Gatorade to seem like it's a good, healthy, energy-giving sports drink, but it's not. Drinking almost anything else would be better: water, Vitamin water, orange juice, etc.

    You should just drink sugar than drink Gatorade.

    (It's okay if you drink it occasionally, but everyday is not good.)

  4. lol well i think your mom is trying to scare which it looks like its working lol. But what i know is that is good for you if your are not going to be a couch potatoe! If your going to be outside runnig or working gatorade helps hydrate you faster than water and restore energy loss.

  5. There's more caffine in pop...

    Gatorade is full of sugar not totally good for you.

  6. there's no caffeine in gatorade. i don't know where your mom read that. the electrolytes are good, but it has a lot of sugar in it, which is bad. if you're going to drink gatorade, drink G2. it has less sugar.

  7. My softball coach told me that it is unhealthy if you are just drinking it and not doing anything athletic wise because if you just drink it and aren't sweating or doing anything athletic then it screws up your electrolights in your body and if you are drinking it while doing athletic activity it is healthy because you lose electrolights in your body when you do athletic activity and the gatorade replaces those. It also makes you gain a lot of weight. My family use to let me drink like at least 2 bottles or more a day and then the doctor told them I wasn't aloud to have gatorade cause it was really really bad for me without doing anytype of athletic stuff.  

  8. It can be. If you drink it alot.

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