
Is roulette system for real?

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There is so much rubbish circulating about this roulette system at Some web sites say it is a scam but it appears the web sites that say this are other system sellers. Some say it really is effective so I dont know what to believe. Of the people that appear most credible, that is not someone that either doesnt have it or is probably just another gambling system seller, it does seem to be the real thing. I'm not arguing whether or not roulette is beatable because I know it is with things like visual ballistics and bias analysis which the genuine winner people teach also, but I'm most interested in their wheel analysis methods called custom variants. Please only people that actually do know what they are talking about respond. I want to know the truth before I invest $2500.




  1. Absolutely it works and I have this on very good authority. Thats probably why so many roulette system sellers try and tear it down so much. A lot of people say you cant beat roulette but they really dont have any idea what they're talking about. Roulette systems usually dont work because they are designed incorrectly. This system is designed around physics and despite the trash going around about it, the system really does the job right.

    Not sure if you know but they have had public demonstrations before and I saw part of it on TV once. They have a lot of different technology.

  2. Hi there, we are not supposed to talk about it as players or even ID ourselves of users of the system, but to answer your question it is for real.

    I have bought a lot of systems over the year and hands-down the system is the best one I've seen.

    I know there is a lot of trash around about this system but read between the lines. The trash is from people that either dont have the system, or from other roulette system sellers.

  3. The only ways to beat roullete are by attacking wheel imperfections, or predicting where the ball will land with a degree of acuracy that is large enough to overcome the hosue edge.

    Timing the ball/wheel, and possible that and some combination of considering where the ball began its rotation relevant to a point on the counterrotating wheel, are the only two hypothetical ways to CORRECTLY and POSITIVELY make a soundly generated prediction of where the ball may be more or less likely to land.

    There are many ways to detect or create a wheel bias, some are illegal and some are not practical due to casino countermeasures.

    The systemn MUST do ONE of those things otherwise it is bogus, any mention of "special betting paternes" should be a sign that it is bogus.

    I do not know the intracacies of the system but one of those two effects is a prerequisite to a working roullette system, if the systme doesnt contain one, its bogus.

    Also note that even though many systems may work in theory, they may not be apllicable in real live casinos for various reasons.

  4. I've heard a lot about this system. There are a lot of people both supporting and attacking it but it is hard to know who is who. I know there is another system seller that's pretty bad and he writes under fabricated names to discredit the system. His name is mark howe which may help you so be wary of what you read. If you are after feedback on message boards, I would suggest take everything you read "on board", but only believe about 5 percent of it because most is from genuine winner competitors pretending to be players.

    From what I can gather though the system is effective but it wouldnt be the first and only system to be effective. I can tell you at the very least their system theory on their site is sound.  

  5. Dont believe everything you read. A lot of the negative feedback is from a competitor of who publish rubbish under fake names and on web sites.

    From people that appear to be actually credible, it is the real deal.

  6. I'm a professional poker player but am familiar with various advantage methods (legitimate methods to beat casino games). I stick with poker because it's what I know best, but a previous partner now uses this system and he and his partner do well.

    Sandy, you are right with what you have said and that's what the system does, but it's only part of it. The system is all the traditional legitimate advantage techniques, plus also other less known ones and they get rolled into a master method called custom variants. To my knowledge, this combination is the best way to beat roulette.

    I'm aware of the fruitcake that publishes trash about it under fake names. A lot of system sellers do this and it's just how they compete so you have to see past that. Theo if all you want to know is if the system is legitimate, the answer is yes and most of the techniques are actually well known as effective. If you hear otherwise, it is probably from another system seller.

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