
Is Gerber really that bad?

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So the Y!A mommies have convinced me that I should make my daughter's baby food. I am actaully excited to go buy the fruits and veggeis. It old my grandma (my babysitter) and she looked less then thrilled. I told her no need buy the second foods and she said she going buy just for her house. I said no cause I going make the food and give her. She then stopped listening to me. She never agreed just cut me off. So knowing how stubborn seh is, I;m pretty sure she will buy it anyway.

My question is, if my grandma insists on giving my baby Gerber...are they really that bad? I know fresh is best but is Gerber ok? And what if she feeds her like the mac and cheese which I want to stay away from. My grandma is really stubborn and set in her ways and won't give in to anyone.




  1. As long as your child is taken care of, that's all that needs to be done! Fresh foods pack more nutrients than ones that have been sitting in jars but that doesn't mean that Gerber is bad for your child!

  2. Go with your gut, gerber or homemade is fine.. Just what y ou are comfortable with. I made my own babyfood because it was easy, but my LO also had her fair share of babyfood out of a jar. Just do what you think is right, it's your baby!

  3. Are you sure you want her to babysit if she is not going to follow your parenting plan? Free childcare is great, but not if they are not going to listen.

    Gerber won't hurt her. I used both home made and jarred food for my son and he turned out just fine.

  4. its fine. my son ate beechnut baby food up until now...8 months.  nothings wrong with it.

  5. If you don't make your own - from organic - I would recommend Earth's Best. It's so much healthier and organic. Gerber just seems overly processed. Earth's Best is just as convenient as Gerber - just much healthier. Check for stores near you or check your health food store!  

  6. Gerber isn't bad! Store bought food isn't BAD!! You are NOT a bad mother if you choose to give your child store bought baby food!!!!! I don't think anyone should make you feel like you are doing your child a detriment if you give him/her store bought food! It is entirely YOUR choice!

    The difference between store bought (anykind) and homemade is cost, taste & texture.

    Good luck

  7. The baby food in jars isn't bad for your baby it is just cheaper for most to make it at home. Grandma's though you know do spoil kids :-) and as long as she isn't giving her anything really bad I wouldn't worry about it as long as she isn't over there all the time that is.  Gerber though is good for your baby as it has the nutrients and vitamins needed and is well done.  Babies have been growing up on gerber for years with no problems.  You can do fresh at home and let grandma do gerber and it will be fine.  

  8. Well, did you grow up the the same stuff? Did you turn out fine? I'm sure your little one will be okay with the occasional Gerber. There is no way you'll be able to change Grandma's mind anyway.

  9. It's not bad.  Not the healthiest thing to give your baby... but, it won't be detrimental.  My oldest had Gerber foods because the thought of making my own baby food didn't even cross my mind.  But my youngest has always had whatever we eat (I do baby led weaning with him).

    This is one of those "pick your battles" type of situations.  If you feel strongly about it (and that's fine if you do)- stick your ground and tell Grandma no Gerber.  If it's not that big of a deal, let Grandma "win" this one and feed her Gerber occasionally.  See if you can make a "compromise" with her- let her get Gerber, but ask if you can have a say in what Gerber foods she feeds baby.  Tell her you'd prefer she didn't have the mac 'n' cheese (and, let me tell you, that stuff is nasty!  I'd much rather give my kid whole grain pasta with a home made cheese sauce).  No need to start a battle if it's not that big of a deal to begin with.

  10. well lets see I ate gerber when I was a baby and so did my brothers and we all turned out just fine. I understand its "healthier" but give me a break

  11. well guess what... its YOUR baby not Grandmas...

    if you dont want it its YOUR decision, not hers!

    Its not going to hurt him to have some jarred food and some home made, but if you bring fresh food for him to her house i cant see why she wouldnt use it. my parents and inlaws were happy i choose to make my own food for my son... just because you could trust all companies 40 years ago doesnt mean you necessarily can today... not that gerber cant be trusted... but i trust the food i make more than i trust anything packaged

  12. If you make home made foods then baby may not like the Gerbers mine doesnt like the shop c**p.  

    Its great to make your own and i think the question you should be asking is  SHould you give in to your grandma ?? No you do what you think is best for baby and everyone else should respect that !  take your own to grandma's.  

  13. Just read the labels. Some jar foods have eggs in them, or other potential allergens you might not plan to feed your baby just yet. Plus, reading the labels is just plain good practice for sugar content.

    I don't think Gerber is bad at all. And with the fresh stuff, you have to be careful about pestitides unless you always buy organic, and nitrates (naturally occurring in beets and spinach).  

  14. No, it is not that bad - fresh is better but Gerber is just fine.

    Breast is best but formula is okay

    Skim milk is better (older then 2) then whole milk but if that's all they will drink that is okay

    Pampers are better then walmart brand but that ok

    Do you get my point. Certain things are better then others but the second choice isn't that bad either.

  15. OMG, do u know how many kids eat Gerber?  They have been around for YEARS!  No, it's not bad.

    Glad I am not so easily persuaded by females I don't know...

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