
Is Germany a nice place to live?

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I can speak a bit of German and i might like to live there when I'm older.




  1. germany is soo nice i cant speak german but quite alot of people can speak english. they  really nice people and they are  reli friendly and there is quite a lot of the food they eat is similar to english food.

    you can also take your dog into places it great

    its really green where i live meaning lots of trees they also have a good recycling system. Like they have sumthing called pfand which is put on plastic bottles and when you recycle them you get some money back

    anyway i say go to germany for a holiday then decide but it is very nice

  2. My fello human being the whole world is nice place the only problem is the monsters who in habit it??? So Germany is as good as any where else. It helps. I hope we stop flying flags of individual nations and start being native of the earth . Therefore stop abusing this wonderfull planet do you not agree?? Please feel free top get in touch. hope you are offended

  3. Germany is a great place to live! I speak fluent German, (my mother is German) but most people speak at least some English. The people are very nice, and you can walk everywhere. Life is very pleasant and easy-going. Everything is clean and environmentally-friendly. It is easy to find a place to live, and it is affordable as well. Germany is an amazing place!

  4. The first word that comes to mind is.......tolerance.  Just about everywhere in the world is nice to be if you go with an open mind.  If you have learned a bit of German, you are well on the way to having a good experience.

    I lived in southern Germany for a year and loved it (Bavaria near the Austrian border), and I continued to visit about every two or three years.  I found the people to be very warm and encouraging.  They speak a very strong regional dialect and loved that I picked it up!  (One usually learns high German at school.)   I still keep in touch with and visit the family I lived with so long ago.

    There is so much history in Europe.  Maybe you could start to get a feel for Germany by reading everything you can find on it.  I usually go to the Amazon books search engine and order about five books before I go to a country I've never been before.  Being knowledgeable about the country you are visiting makes the experience much richer and allows you to have informed conversation while you are there.

  5. I lived in Germany for three and a half years, went to German school, learned perfect german, made some of the best friends in my life, got new "grandparents" and loved every bit of it. We go back and visit all the time, we just moved back to the states after three years in london following germany, and i want to go back to germany. It is clean, most people speak english and the people are very friendly and helpful!

    Southern Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg) is the best place!

  6. Alright, I'm doing this in German now, as I'm native:

    Ja, mir gefällt es schon in Deutschland. Das Wetter könnte besser sein. Ich mag keinen Schnee. Vielleicht ziehe ich, wenn ich älter bin, nach Spanien oder Portugal, oder nach Italien. Aber in dem Bundesland, in dem ich lebe (Bayern), gefällt es mir trotz des vielen Schnees im Winter. Es ist eben meine Heimat, die ich liebe, und gegen die ich nie ein böses Wort sagen würde, auch wenn es mir an manchen Tagen nicht gefällt.

  7. It's mostly boring and the people are generally cold and unfriendly. It's completely different from the UK.

  8. Willkommen


    U r  welcome

    tell me when u ``ll be at aerport 2 welcoming U with 100 friend

    all my best

  9. Hi.

    Germany is a really nice place to live. But its like in all other countries: you will find nice and friendly people as well as stupid ones. Mostly the Germans are very friendly if you try to speak a little bit German but you really don't have to - most people will understand you and will try to help you. Germans are more directly than English or Americans- we say what we think. This could be a problem between Americans/English and Germans but you will find it out how we act. (for example an English or American says: this is such a nice, awesome, beautiful, amazing and so on gift and we say just: thank you that's pretty nice and that's all but we like it really....)

    Have a good time in Germany. I'm sure you will like it just give us a chance..

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