
Is Germany consider a western country even though they are literally in the easterm hemisphere?

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Check the globe if you don't believe me.




  1. Good point. Personally I would like to do away with the western and eastern labels along with the third world label. The "east" is always seen as mystical yet backward and somehow different from the west. These labels are unhelpful and do little for the development of the country in question.

  2. In Germany, the position of the country is often desceribed as being in Mitteleuropa; Middle Europe.  In winter, the clocks run in accordance with MEZ (CET in English), and that's the abbreviation for Mitteleuropäische Zeit.  When it comes to international politics, the country tends to get referred to as western.

    <<Is Germany consider a western country even though they are literally in the easterm hemisphere?>>

    That question can be variously answered depending upon what "western" is held to mean.  Both 'yes' and 'no' would be accurate in different contexts.

  3. yes most if not all of western europe is considered western. you have to get to poland or the balkan peninsula to be in an eastern area.

  4. Should I stroke your ego and tell you that youre right?  Should I pat you one the back for making such of an ingenious observation?

    Or should I throw all chances of being selected "Best Answer" out the window by actually telling you how wrong you are... pointing out the simple fact that you dont know what the term "western country" actually means.

    I await your down thumbing me.

    But if you actually want to learn something, the term Western applies to Europe and often indicates technological and social sophistication.  Eastern is the opposite... China, Laos, and Cambodia, all those other parts of the world that gets its technology through trade and not through development... who run around in the bush fighting one long civil war like Vietnam and Korea and all those other places where you will die of a mosquito bight if not a spear or a Western bullet

  5. if u divide the earth in to two only east and west are there?in reality/relatively there is no north and south

  6. You are right about the fact that Germany is present in the eastern hemisphere, but now-a-days, the term "Western Country" is used for the developed ones. As Germany is the part of G8 and is a developed country, so it is referred to as western country.

    Hope that will help!!!

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