
Is Getting Black Lowlights UnHealthy For Your Hair???

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im black, so will my hair get damaged and start breaking off if i get black lowlights? right now i have brown hair but im scared if i get black lowlight my hair will start breaking off like when black people get blonde highlights....

please help me! i really want to change my hair but im scared!

hairdressers help me!




  1. dying it lighter harms it. Dying it darker is ok.  

  2. If your hair is already damaged from several chemical processes it might not be strong enough to take another chemical process.  

    The best way to know is to go to a really good hairdresser in an upscale shop with an excellent reputation, and have your hair analyzed to see if it's strong enough to withstand another chemical process.  The reason I say to go to an upscale shop is because sometimes when you go in to get a professional opinion the hairdresser will tell you whatever she thinks you want to hear.  She does this because she wants your money, and doesn't care about the condition of your hair.

    If the hairdresser says your hair is healthy enough to withstand another chemical process have her do it.   You are much safer to get your hair done professionally than to try to do it yourself, or let a friend do it.    

  3. Dying your hair is damaging no matter what.

    Dying it black isn't as bad, because you are not bleaching and toning and so on and so forth.  It shouldn't break your hair like it would if you were getting blonde highlights.

    Go for it!

  4. Nahh. My friend is half black and she got black hair all if it. and it was fine..unless your hair is already damaged.

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