
Is Glaceau Vitamin Water good for you or bad?

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i thought I read on yahoo or heard in the news that it has just as much sugar as soda. True?




  1. true. try propel. it's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better tasting

  2. It's also bad for your wallet. Get your vitamins from eating raw fruit and veggies so you won't need to buy the expensive kind.

  3. I had the same question as you, Vitamin water is in my opinion very similar to juice and the same amount of calories and sugar!  If you are looking for anotother flavorful option that is low in sugar and calories try propel or crystal light! :)

  4. it's BAD...they call it vitamin water to make you feel like your making a healthy choice. But i have to agree with the first answer, PROPEL rocks!

  5. It does have a pretty good amount of sugar in it, but its still a better choice than soda. Also the other kind of drinks like propel taste nasty and the suger sub they use isnt good for you either. So i think vitamin water is a better alternative if you are tired of water and want some flavor and get some vitamins too.

  6. I think it is bad because if it has a lot of sugar, stay away form it.

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