
Is Glacier water good in comparision with volcanic boiling water?

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Obviously they both have to be in a drinkable temperature... Ive just watched Born Survivor and he cooked his food in boiling volcanic water, but my question is if i was to get some of that water and cool it down would it be better and more nutrinionus that glacier water??




  1. One comment about glacier water!!! It is in constant motion-not unlike a stream!! Where a stream is aerated and purified to a large degree that way -so is glacier water!!!

       Volcanically heated water will dissolve more minerals in higher concentrations than glacier water since it is cold!!

  2. Hydrothermal fluids (high temperature groundwater) such as volcanic fluids typically have very high dissolved solids contents including heavy metals and sulfur, and can also be very acidic.  Generally not something that is healthy to consume and would not taste very good either.  Glacier water generally has very low dissolved solids and is as close to pure water as you can naturally get in most cases.

    As for bacteria, there are some pretty nasty bacteria associated with hot springs, and although there may be parasites and bacteria in glacial meltwater, the levels are generally pretty low.

    It is a no-brainer choice for me.  I would never drink a cooled hydrothermal fluid.

  3. As far as nutrition is concerned they would both be the same.

  4. Volcanic water can contain harmful compound such as sulfuric acid and arsenic. Stuff like Volvic(tm) water (see is probably safe enough as it has been processed. I'd go for glacier water over the volcanic. Ever been to Yellowstone (U.S. natl' park in WY)?

  5. Do you know anything about glaciers?....

    As glaciers move down the mountain they pick up everything in their path, and yes, that includes dead animals, dirt and even trees. I can't say I'd fancy drinking something that when frozen contained dirt and dead animals... Obviously when you buy glacier water from a shop it has been filtered to get all the dirt etc out of it.

    If volcanic water is anything like the ground around the bottom of volcanoes (the ground is very nutritious, it's great for growing crops), then volcanic water is better.

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