
Is Global Warming A Con? Invented To Make Money?.......Link?

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  1. huud!r u sure?make money 100%?

  2. Global Warming is definitely real, but it is being vastly exaggerated by the media, companies desperate to sell and the Government so they can all milk it for every last eco-friendly pound!

  3. It is certainly a con to give governments an excuse to raise extra taxes.

    If you don't agree, explain how "green taxes" will make any difference to CO2 emissions and global warming.

    The last big con in Britain was the "Millenium Bug" which was supposed to stop all computers working at the end of 1999. Our government spent millions. Every household in the country received a booklet telling how to prepare for the forthcoming 'disaster'. We were told that airplanes would fall out of the sky and that all essential services would stop.

    What a con!!!

    No other European country took it at all seriously.


  5. Global warming would not benefit the economy as a whole, only specific institutions. so yes, it is believable

  6. enviromentalism began in US in the 1930's & saw a revial in 1970's.river pollution was the  big issue & major polluters were brought to book.however since the end of the cold war,radical left & trendy idealists have high-jackjacked the green movement to pursue a political agenda that will have us all enslaved into green fascist bondage.

    third world countries are being kept in poverty because, they can't afford to take on green ideals.

  7. It has become a religious movement. The problem is in the sun and nothing to do with carbon. If they are sincere then they should stop all grand prixs,stay at home, walk every where,stop using paper because that removes trees,stop using aeroplanes, stop all wars and fireworks demonstrations.

  8. Yes, it's just another excuse to tax us even more.

  9. Biggest con since BS

    I bet some company managers still cringe over that one..lolol

  10. I don't think Global Warming has been invented but .... yes it's being seen as an opportunity to make money - every issue in the UK is seen as an opportunity to make money.  Today's increase on alcohol duty will site binge drinking as justification. It's just so interesting that all extra revenue raised via green issues and/or health issues ends up in the Treasury coffers !

    Talking about GW - I actually think its far too late in the day to fix this problem and what will be will be.

  11. i reckon it's a con in that the effects of human activity are exaggerated, but i dont think you can say human activity is doing the planet any good - taking carbon from deep underground and chucking it into the air, while ripping up the rainforests which absorb C02, cant be doing mother earth any good

  12. How dare you question the holiness of the religion of extreme environmentalism?

    You need to do penance; you should purchase a papal indulgence; I mean a carbon offset to atone for your sin.

  13. Totally agree, why is it the scientists and politicans seem to think that the planet has an 'ideal' temperature, its not like a fridge or cooker that you can turn up and down...


  15. Yes.It's what I've been saying for years and also my answer to any question about it on here.

  16. You awful wicked man. How dare you infer such a thing.

    This was going to be a cool way to make mega bucks

    by trading carbon emissions. And that was just the start!

    But now with spoilsports like you around I guess the cat's out of the bag.

  17. Scare mongering, did you know the earth was hotter in the stone age than it is now.

    must have been from all the cavemen farting

    its a goverment ploy for us to do there job for them

  18. Created to control the masses .....

    simple as really

    the latest token gesture from our so called Government is to add a £1000 on 4x4 ..well chuff me if you can afford £50000 then another grand ain't gonna switch you of buying is it ...

    yet in the same breath I see that a new runway is required in London you know how much pollution comes from aircraft ...

    Why do governments fly to foreign countries when we have the most modern Internet etc TV connections they are real serious about global warming eh !!!

    and I am told that I will have to pay 5p for my bag now ..which I have been recycling for years as me bin bag and yet it composts in the ground

    I could go on forever ...con con con

  19. Yes it is, but like the sheep we are, we will PAY! without question. Bring on the vote.

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