
Is Global Warming a myth or true?

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Is Global Warming a myth or true?




  1. It's true


  3. The Earth warming is true.....what Gore and the rest of the fear mongers want you to believe is that it's purely man-made.  They make $$ off of this concept through lobbiest firms and such.  However Earths warming and cooling periods are cyclic meaning it's fair and resonable to know that warming reaches a "peak" and then begins to cool and cools until it reaches the "trough" and slowing begins to warm again.  millions of years have past and there is evidence that the earth was warm (even at the poles) hundreds of thousands years ago and then earth cooled into the ice age.  Were the cave men, with they're wood pit fires to blame??  I doubt it.  Don't believe the hype just believe in the scientific warms and then it cools....and then it warms again.

  4. Yes, but it is a natural cycle.

  5. It's a myth.  The alarmists answers are getting more and more rediculous, almost funny.

  6. true. and it started over 200 years ago when we started getting involved in heavy industry. i reccomend watching al gore's Global Warming: An Inconvenient Truth.

  7. It's happening, but it's natural.

    The Earth, geologically, is just coming out of an Ice Age. Naturally, it is warming. However, the disastrous events predicted by REs (radical environmentalists) are not going to happen because the Earth has warmed two degrees.

    Global warming is a natural event that the government has blown way out of proportion to scare it's people.

    On a side note, you know the pictures of the glaciers shrinking that you see on the news? That 30 years ago, they glaciers were huge and now they're super small? Well, 30 years ago or so, everyone believed in global cooling. We were blocking the sun with pollution and the world was going to freeze over. To prove their point, they took a bunch of pictures of, guess what, glaciers!

    So the pictures showed that we were cooling the earth, so we were all going to die because of giant glaciers. Now that the glaciers have shrunken back to a normal size, they're being used to prove that we are causing the Earth to warm!

    You will also notice that the REs are saying that it's climate change, not global warming, now that the Earth might actually be cooling again.

  8. True. Sad I know...

  9. Let me answer your question this way, Courtney.  The whole issue of whether or not global warming is real and is an issue is one that has to be looked at using long term data.  Let me explain what I mean and I am popular among most and deeply hated by some for my answers.  Does the Earth warm and cool on its own?  Most definitely and sometimes violently to be sure.  60,000 years of ice cores lend proof to that.  The problem I have when people say that global warming is a natural process of our planet is how quickly the pendulum has swung.  Never - and I emphasize - NEVER - have levels of CO2, methane, temperature, and carbonic acid in our oceans EVER risen as quickly as they have over 60,000 years.  AND - the ever quickening rise directly coincides with the start of the industrial revolution.  Ice core samples don't lie.  Neither does NOAA data on the CO2 levels in our atmosphere from 1958-2008.  That's 50 years of data and there is no downward trend yet and the rise has never been as fast.

  10. the ice grew this warming is c r a p!!!!!!!!

  11. A myth.  More like a fantasy sold to low IQ mouth breathers.

  12. It's a myth. Twenty years ago they said we would be having an Ice Age by now. They just like to scare people.

  13. its true. sorry to burst your bubble.

  14. It's true, but it is a natural process of this planet.  And global average temperatures have actually been on a general downward trend the last 8 to 10 years.

  15. true :(

  16. These guys say it's just a bunch of assumptions and hysteria. that it may or may not be real. They say they need time to investigate. At this point, global warming is not real, and it is not a myth. It is a deception.

  17. It is worse than that it is a lie.. Propagated by Gore . His movie was a lie and he knows it. Just look he says it will destroy the world ,but is he living as though it is

    unimportant. O he pays for his carbon foot print ,to whom himself. Does he have your permission to use your part.

  18. Global warming is undoubtedly true.  Look at the strange weather patters we have been getting.  There have been a huge increase of tornadoes and hurricanes over the past 20 years.  It is not natural in any way, shape, or form to release 6.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually.  The 6.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide released doesn't even factor in the free-radical green house gasses.  You can believe global warming is a myth only if you reject an endless amount of evidence.  I will get no satisfaction in saying, "I told you so."  At that point, it will already be too late.

  19. He's a link to ALL the AGW myths.....


  20. Unfortunately & Sadly, yes it is true.  That's why it is raining all the time and all of this flooding is occurring. The ice caps are melting.

  21. It's very much true.

    It's also caused by us (we know because it is happening a lot faster than any previous natural change, this is also cause for great concern since we can't use the fact that the ecosystem survived the natural changes as evidence that it'll survive the one we're causing).

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