
Is Global Warming a threat? Is it caused by the Human Revolution?

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Is Global Warming a threat? Is it caused by the Human Revolution?




  1. it could be - or it could just be another way the forces that be try to scare us.  I have lived through the ozone layer threat - the y2k threat, the sars and birdflu threat.

    we survived those - will probably survive the global warming threat.

  2. what revolution?  Read your science book and you will see the earth goes through different temp changes periodically.

  3. Much of the the alleged environmental problems,are lies,or

    overstated!You will not get the facts from the controlled

    mainstream media,therefore,I suggest you do an Internet

    search.One reliable source is,I

    can give one example of propaganda pertaining to the

    alleged threat to the levels of Ozone in the atmosphere.Prior

    to the banning of CFC's (Chloroflurocarbons),the Du Ponte

    chemical company  was defending the use of CFC's,until

    Edgar Bromffman gained control of the company.

    Coincidently,at about the same time the patent for CFC's

    was about to expire,which meant that other chemical companies would not have to pay royalties to Du Ponte.So

    a plan was hatched to discredit CFC's by attempting to

    blame the chlorine componet of CFC's for destroying the

    Ozone,contrary to the fact that CFC's were about ten times

    heavier than air.It has been estimated that the campaign to have CFC's banned,and replaced by Flurocarbons,cost

    Du Ponte $250 MIllion,but the returns from royalties of

    Flurocarbons was estimated to be in the $Billions.What the

    public did not know,was that the patent for CFC's was about

    to expire,that this would result in loss of profits for Du Ponte,and that Du Ponte secured the patent on the substitute

    that it was promoting.You can be sure that when the patent

    for Flurocarbons is about to expire,there will be a similar

    campaign to have them banned!However,by that time the

    world will have conned into accepting a New One World Order,as the only way of solving the environmental problems,

    and world peace(?).

  4. Yes, it is a threat. If the world warms up more and more. the sea level will just keep on rising. meaning that the world will flood. and that cant be good. also there'd be more wacky weather and stuffezz.

    you can help to prevent this by...

    *Switching off lights when you go out the room

    *Recyling/buying recylced products

    *walking and cycling more instead of taking the car

    *planing trees

    and lots of other p**p.... go on the green peace website probs.


  5. A very large threat. We should all be afraid. Already the polar caps are melting, sea levels are rising and strange weather patterns are being experienced globally. It could wipe us from the face of the earth, and it is we humans who are largely to blame!

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