
Is Global Warming really going to raise the sea level by huge amounts?

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I think that people don’t have to worry about global warming! Everyone keeps on saying that "The sea level will rise even more if the North + South pole melt just because of extreme heat off global warming" Even if they do melt by how much do you think land would disappear, maybe by about 5 meters! That’s nothing!

Yet I see so many people making such a big fuss about it on TV on the internet.




  1. I'm all for sitting at the waters edge with a yard stick, what the heck, i have a good 30 years, and when the water doesn't go up like all the alarmists keep touting, i'm going to slap them silly with it.

  2. It wouldn't be the first time that 'dry land' was covered by oceans.  Much of our midwest was once under water.

    Ocean front property has its pros and cons.  Lovely when the weather is nice..... not so nice when a hurricane or tsunami hits....OR....when natural warming cycles add a few more feet to the sea-level.  That's the risk that 'beach-dwellers' take.

  3. Yes. Global warming does have an affect on the world. Lets say the North and South pole were to melt, we really are not sure what the damages would be, but if we look back into our history; the fact that the Earth is mostly ocean is due to the fact that the ice melted, therefore it dissolved thousands of meters. Moreover, we do not know if this will happen again, but if the ice melts, than there really  would not be as much cool in the atmosphere as there would. Now, lets remember, the planet is not infinite; it can be compared to an apple sitting next to a flame. It will get hot very slowly, but eventually, it will raise to a maximum temperature.

  4. Eventually, unless we sufficiently reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to slow global warming, yes.

    If the Greenland Ice Sheet were to fully melt, it would raise sea levels 7 meters (about 23 feet).  If the Antarctic Ice Sheet were to fully melt, it would raise sea levels 61 meters (over 180 feet).  These ice sheets won't fully melt for a long time, but eventually yes.

    On top of that, you've got glaciers and ice caps melting, plus the oceans expanding due to increased temperatures (thermal expansion).

    You also need to consider how many people live in low elevation areas on the coasts.  We're talking tens to hundreds of millions.  And that's just one issue associated with global warming.  There's also droughts, increased insect-borne diseases, food and water shortages, etc. etc.

  5. No!! Because the ocean level can't raise! Where the ocean level is, is where it is. The only thing that could happen is that the land sinks.

    Global warming is just a big made up story. There was a book called the Greening of Iceland or something like that fifty years ago. And now it has gotten colder. Didn't anyone notice the colder winters? It has been more extreme with everything.

    And evolution isnt true either. The man who thought of it, thought of it when he was young and like in his twenties. He became a Christian later in his life and said he was wrong. And that God created everything. There's proof everywhere.

  6. i heard that the sea is evaporating

  7. Global warming is unlikely to raise sea levels by 5 meters within your lifetime. The heat capacity of the south pole ice cap is too large for rapid melting.  People that live within 1 or 2 meters of sea level will have a problem, mainly from higher storm surges.  The changes in sea level will be gradual and people will adapt, but the costs, such as abandoning cities like New Orleans will be huge.  Changes in the sea level due to global warming are an inconvenience that we can live with.  Changes in the food supply due to global warming are a more serious matter.

  8. Over a period of about 150 years there should be a rise in sea level

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    The one aspect of global warming is that as the seas get hotter the water molecules expand

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    In other words the same gallon of water takes up more space than when it was cold

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  9. No

  10. Obviously you don't have any oceanfront property! If sea level were to go up by 5 meters it would be a very very big deal, and would easily cost trillions of dollars worldwide.  I think you need to look at a few topographic maps of coastal land.

  11. thats wrong . what they say is single number without reference to any country / continent , but  as u know landscapes are not at level everywhere ; there r many low lying  countries in the whole of world . so that 5 meters  will not be evenly distributed .what will happen is those where huge rivers run thru  will be flooded to a large extent causing millions of  life loss .ex : bangladesh (r.ganga)where every floods occur , in china if  sea level rise  r.hwang  can flood .above all the  rate at which snow is melting now is baffling even to scientists now because snow is a natural reflector of light , so as this is lost more of heat stay s here and less will be reflected and  that will continue  untill point of no reverse is reached . so its  important to do each of our contribution for green peace process .

  12. ...u make it sound like global warming is not a big deal..

    it is!!!

    go watch an incovenient truth...a documentary about the global warming and what would happen if global warming wasn't stopped..

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